Getting London Working Prepared by David Pack, Partnerships Manager 14 September 2011 The City of London Corporations support for its neighbouring boroughs
Overview Background to the City of London Corporation Supporting local young people into work: why do we do it, what do we do and how? How do we do work with City businesses? Whats in it for them? Whats the impact? Some lessons
The City of London Corporation Provides local government services for the financial and commercial heart of Britain, the 'Square Mile'. Promotes and enhances the status of the City as the world's leading international financial and business centre. Provides additional facilities for the benefit of the nation – open spaces, Barbican Centre, Museum of London, wholesale markets, Thames bridges, Port Health Authority.. Committed to an extensive programme of activities designed to bring about economic regeneration in our neighbouring boroughs and to assist our neighbours to benefit from the wealth the 'Square Mile' generates.
Why support young residents of our neighbouring boroughs? Political motivation – one of our three strategic aims Support for City businesses own corporate responsibility priorities Our locus between surrounding communities and (City) business. Moral obligation?
Deprivation in London
Our economic regeneration programme – what do we do? Commissioned projects across three core themes: Skills, training and employment Work with schools – raising aspirations Support for enterprise 30+ projects underway Close working with neighbouring boroughs, cross borough regeneration partnerships and other agencies and third sector bodies Active engagement of City businesses in all our work.
What do we do? More detail… City of London Business Traineeship scheme Support for NEETs; support for graduates Aspiration-raising activities Engaging City employers in local recruitment Apprenticeships Careers advice/guidance – myth-busting! Employment Charter for Construction / Cheapside Employment Charter
The audiences High achieving school leavers (non- traditional backgrounds) NEETs Graduates Schoolchildren Local unemployed
How do we work with City businesses? Whats in it for them? Work with and through expert third parties, internal teams Understand and complement City businesses (corporate responsibility) priorities and initiatives… and shape them Capitalise on City Corporation links Positive profile, longer term corporate responsibility and recruitment links.
Whats the impact? Hundreds of alumni either employed at host companies or returning during university holidays. Positive feedback from aspiration-raising visits to businesses: 70% knew little or nothing about working in the City before visit; 75% learnt quite a lot or a great deal about working in the City Improved understanding/insight among teachers – most of whom have not worked outside education - of business world. Increasingly, City businesses interested in diversity approaching us to help recruit to entry level roles
Bloomberg was amazing, the building is beautiful and it was good to see where people work! Bank of England was cool, cool block of gold, cool museum! Amazing day well spent! I learnt so much, it is nice to know about the different companies and what they do. I enjoyed everything today and it has inspired me to work in an office and to work as a lawyer in the future. I also learnt a lot about banking and much more. I liked learning about all the different jobs you can have when working in a bank. Whats the impact? Inspired young people!
Lessons Respond to businesses needs! They can say no; develop all programmes with them in mind. Understand businesses challenges – be realistic. Deliver through experts – vet your partners!
THE END! Any questions?