Taxonomy and Classification Kingdoms
Basics of Taxonomy Taxonomy- branch of biology that studies the classification of organisms into increasingly specific groups Aristotle- First to classify by habitat (350 B.C.) John Ray- developed the modern concept of the species (1600’s) Linnaeus- Swedish botanist, came up with Binomial Nomenclature ( Genus species ) His system is used today
Scientific Name: The Proper Form Binomial Nomenclature- “two names” Both words are underlined if written If typed, both words are italicized. Genus is capitalized and the species portion of the name is lowercase Homo sapiensor Homo sapiens
Classification Hierarchey The hierarchey of humans Kingdom:Animalia Phylum:Chordata Class:Mammalia Order:Primates Family:Hominidae Genus: Homo (man) Species: sapiens (thinking) Remember K ing P hillip C ame O ver F or G reen S paghetti
Criteria for Modern Taxonomy Structure: (comparative anatomy) Homologous and Analogous structures Physiology: (comparative biochemistry) hemoglobin, hormones, enzymes, processes (respiration) Fossils: Carbon dating Genetic Similarities: DNA comparison Comparative Embryology: comparing embryonic development
Five Kingdom Survey MoneraProtistaFungiPlantaeAnimalia Prokaryotic - no nucleus Single-celled Eukaryotic- has nucleus Single & Multicellular Eukaryotic- has nucleus Single & Multicellular Eukaryotic- has nucleus Multicellular Eukaryotic- has nucleus Multicellular Some Move Don’t Move Some Move Some make their own food; others get it from other organisms All members get food from other organisms All members make their own food Members eat plants or other animals for food
Six Kingdom Survey ArchaebacteriaEubacteriaProtistaFungiPlantaeAnimalia Prokaryotic- no nucleus Single-celled Prokaryotic- no nucleus Single-celled Eukaryotic- has nucleus Single & Multicellular Eukaryotic- has nucleus Single & Multicellular Eukaryotic- has nucleus Multicellular Eukaryotic- has nucleus Multicellular Some Move Don’t Move Some Move Get it from other organisms or chemicals Some make their own food; others get it from other organisms All members get food from other organisms All members make their own food Members eat plants or other animals for food