Literary Genres of Psalms Royal Psalms
Royal Psalms Structural Elements of Royal Psalms: Oracle: the cultic-prophetic address to the ruler which may predict good fortune for him Intercession: priests or prophets intercede for the king before YHWH Benedictions: addressed to the ruler as a word of power with immediate efficacy Conclusion: ruler makes declaration of loyalty or takes a vow
Themes of Royal Psalms Coronation or Anniversary of Enthronement (Pss 2; 72; 89:1-37; 101; 110; 132) Intercession (Pss 20; 61; 144:1-11) Marriage (Ps 45) Thanksgiving (Ps 18:31-50; 21)
Example of a Royal Psalm: Ps 2 1. Why do the peoples murmur and the nations plot in vain? 2. There is a marshaling of kings of the earth, / and rulers are conspiring, [-- against YHWH and his Anointed One]. 3. “Let us tear their bonds to shreds, and cast their cords from us.”
4. He who is enthroned in heaven laughs, / the Lord mocks them. 5. In good time he addresses them in his anger / and frightens them in his wrath: 6. “I myself have solemnly installed my king / on Zion, my holy hill.”
7. I will announce YHWH’s enactment: He said to me: “You are my son, I myself have begotten you today.” 8. As of me and I will give you nations as an inheritance / and the ends of the earth as your possession. 9. You may smash them with an iron rod, / like pottery dash them to pieces.”
10. Now then, you kings, act wisely! Be warned, you judges of the earth! 11. Serve YHWH with fear and trembling kiss his feet! 12. Lest he be angry, you perish in your intention, / for his wrath kindles very quickly. Happy all who trust in him!
Psalm 72: 1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17 Longing for God’s Justice Of Solomon. 72:1: YHWH, give to the king your judgments, And to the king’s son your righteousness! 2: May he judge your people with righteousness, And your poor ones with justice.
7: May righteousness blossom forth in his days, And fullness of prosperity – until the moon shines no more! 8: Yes, may he rule from sea to sea, From the river to the ends of the earth!
12: For he rescues the poor person when he calls, The wretched person and him who is helpless. He is merciful to the weak and the poor person; He saves the life of the poor.
17: May his name endure forever; As long as the sun shines, may his name flourish! And in him may all nations bless themselves, And may they call themselves blest!