Child Poverty Needs Assessments Your Feedback
2 Key points from your feedback Where key links have already been made in some boroughs, and data was easy to get hold of, the opposite was true in other boroughs, so it may be useful to talk about these areas. Cross over areas included: NI116 data, PCT and health data, childrens health, HMRC data. Positive developments: Links have already been made across partnerships and with other needs assessments, for example – PCT, JCP, JSNA, Housing Strategic Market Needs Assessment, LEAs, Adult and Family Learning, Childcare sufficiency, Community Safety, Benefits payments Key gaps emerging: in PCT data, household composition,
3 Key links already being made PCT/ JSNA Housing, Housing Needs Assessment, Housing Strategic Market Needs Assessment Education Childcare/Childcare sufficiency review Economic Regeneration/ LEAs Strategic Assessment for Crime and Disorder Annual Monitoring Report for LDF CYPP Needs Assessment Sustainable Community Strategies Equalities strategy Evaluations from the child poverty pilots Adult and Family Learning Needs Assessment Population study with useful data on households
4 Data that has been easy to find Data released as part of NI116 NOMIS data – showing benefits claimants by no. of children In-house data e.g. CTB, HB, school census, mosaic etc Health, health info at ward level Education Vulnerable Children Out of work benefits data Childcare Economic Regeneration Housing DWP figures on benefits claimants Info on NIs at a borough level Childrens health HMRC figures Council Tax, HB Internal council info Adequacy of childcare Education, skills opps for parents Corporate policy and performance
5 Data that has been difficult to find Lag in NI116 data Benefits data by ethnicity Earnings and income data by households with children SEN/Additional needs Migrants/Asylum Seekers PCT, health data Information about families rather than individuals – e.g. qualification levels of adults with dependent children Information linking more than one factor of deprivation to a family – risks of double counting Small area information – e.g. below ward level Data behind TfL work More up to date figures from HMRC on in/out of work benefits Adult and child disability Definitive household data - e.g. specific data from JCP Local employment opportunities/ job creation for key sectors Family Information Service Regular up to date data from JCP on workless families
6 Gaps emerging Health data and the validity of available health data Household composition data and lower SOA data A lot of data is generalised and not household specific Changing circumstances – e.g. levels of children in poverty staying in poverty v those moving out of poverty and levels being maintained or increased by others falling into poverty or moving into the borough Information about actual income Info from the VCS about families which cant be reached by the Council Identifying targets and reviewing under performance areas to provide solutions Children as carers SEN/LDD Asylum seekers and immigrants Ability to segment data varies from source to source – need more data which is easy to segment by as/gender/ethnicity/disability/LSOA
7 Support needed from partners Sign up to child poverty task/working group Support in service mapping Improved information sharing especially around risk factors associated with poverty e.g. children of offenders, children of parents with disabilities Active engagement during the consultation stage Sharing of data and agreement of actions Improvements in accountability JCP – sharing personalised information as opposed to DWP information that is readily available (although recognising constraints) PCT – long term health issues and link to employment prospects, Local information below ward level – information on families that may be identified via GP registers Detailed data and context
8 Information gathered from partners What could VCS groups contribute to a CPNA? Information collected from children and families VCS groups are working with and the key issues faced Support with consulting children and families Train LA staff to engage children and families effectively in this kind of work What could local VCS groups offer in putting together the needs assessment? Evidence through locally embedded work with target groups – offer qualitative evidence Already working closely with several boroughs
9 Information gathered from partners JCP can provide LA with : Childcare needs details via BOXI (data system for gathering stats), NOMIS figures Offer support on employment, training and skills based on the needs of the local area Ensuring all Childrens Centres have Linked Adviser details and JCP core offer. Regular updates on JCP services, programme and work agenda through meetings, forums and workshops Support and info needed from the LA: Regular networking and information on local initiatives which support the work agenda and information on any specific trends identified with regards to parents and work To be involved in the process and kept informed of progress
10 Summary and thoughts for discussion Several areas of cross over – some boroughs found data difficult to get hold of which other boroughs have found easier Positive developments with links already being made with key agencies How do we overcome and fill the gaps in data?