and work-based higher education Apprenticeships and work-based higher education Dr Darryll Bravenboer Associate Dean Academic Development Institute for Work Based Learning
Overview Middlesex University and Apprenticeships The Institute for Work Based Learning The University’s Work Based Learning Framework Possible barriers for Apprentices Apprenticeship progression project Development of a Higher Apprenticeship framework in Construction Questions
Middlesex University and Apprenticeships Strong strategic level support from the University Executive for engagement with Apprenticeships Strong alignment with the Middlesex University’s mission ‘equipping our students with the skills they need for work and for life’ providing learning opportunities for those progressing through vocational, work-based and professional routes to gain high quality higher education qualifications. Middlesex recognises the value of Apprenticeships in meeting the skills needs of the UK economy and provides specific work-based higher education progression opportunities for those who have undertaken Advanced Apprenticeships. Middlesex working with a range of partners to develop and deliver Higher Apprenticeship frameworks – UVAC, LLN National Forum, MEG
The Institute for Work Based Learning Work Based Learning as a field of study at Middlesex Centre of Excellence for Work Based Learning Work Based Learning Research Centre – Professional Doctorates (DProf) Middlesex University Organisational Development Network (MODNet) Includes FECs, PTPs and ATAs University Accreditation Services Accreditation of Prior and Experiential Learning (APEL) Accreditation of in-company training and development courses The University Work Based Learning Framework
The University’s Work Based Learning Framework Work Based Learning Framework modules Review of Learning, Professional Development, Practitioner Inquiry - L4-7 Negotiated Work Based Learning Project modules - 10,15, 20, 30, 40, 60 credits at L4-7 Work Based Learning Framework award titles Professional Practice in identified sectors A validated Framework that facilitates the construction of programmes that lead to a full range of awards Small awards – University Certificates, Diplomas Major awards – Foundation, Bachelors and Masters Degrees
What qualifications can people get from the WBL Framework? 6
Possible barriers to progression for Apprentices Very low progression (2-4%) where a majority (54%) express and interest in progressing to higher education. This is not a lack of aspiration problem Lack of clarity for Advanced Apprentices in higher education admissions procedures Lack of clarity of parity eg UCAS points Lack of awareness of Apprenticeships from Admissions Tutors Low prioritisation of progression to higher-levels in the initial phase of the re- launch of Apprenticeships Uncertainty about the involvement of Universities in Apprenticeship development Lack of awareness amongst some employers about the opportunities and benefits of work-based higher education Lack of clear progression routes for Advanced Apprentices
Apprenticeship progression project Develop and gain institutional approval for a Progression Agreement designed to support progression from Advanced Apprenticeships to work-based higher education Maximising progression from Advanced Apprenticeships to work-based higher education workshops – Partner Apprenticeship provider events To develop Progression Agreements that support and promote progression from Advanced Apprenticeships Signing of Progression Agreements Publicise Progression Agreements to learners Implement activities to support progression
University Certificate Professional Practice in [identified sector] University Certificate = 40 credits @ level 4
Development of a Higher Apprenticeship in Construction ‘Hot House’ two day residential on 4th and 5th May 2011 Construction Skills, Middlesex University, Derby University, West London University, Hull College, Burnley College, Blackburn College and LLN National Forum and UVAC Development of a Foundation Degree in Construction Operations Management Approval through Middlesex University's validated Work Based Learning Framework – September 2011 Negotiated Work Based Learning Project modules at Levels 4 and 5 include sector specific content Integrating knowledge and competence requirements through Work-based delivery Mapped against National Occupational Standards The Higher Apprenticeship Framework submitted for approval to Construction Skills – October 2011