Independence, Well-being and Choice Our Vision for the Future of Social Care for Adults in England
KH/00U Green Paper contents A vision for adult social care in the next years How to put people in control of their lives How the right environment for change might be achieved
KH/00U The Vision Person centred, proactive and seamless Support independence Respect and dignity Inclusion of the most excluded High quality services
KH/00U The Vision We want people who use social care to have –more control –more choices and help to decide how their needs can best be met –the chance to do the things that other people take for granted and better access to universal services –the best quality support and protection for those with the highest levels of need.
KH/00U This will be achieved by: changing the ways social care services are designed. People will have more control over services through self-assessment and planning and management of their own services; developing new and innovative ways of supporting individuals; building and using the capacity of the whole community to give everyone access to the full range of universal services; and improving the skills and status of the social care workforce.
KH/00U Setting clear outcomes for social care Improved health Improved quality of life Making a positive contribution Exercise of choice and control Freedom from discrimination or harassment Economic well-being Personal dignity
KH/00U Putting People in Control: we want the right balance between protecting individuals and enabling them to manage their own risks better information and signposting to allow people to retain responsibility and give them more choice and control over how their needs should be met an increase in the take up of direct payments personal budgets to be introduced
KH/00U Themes for discussion The approach to risk People at the centre of assessment Direct payments/Individual budgets Workforce Outcome measurement
KH/00U The role of carers Carers provide an essential role for individuals, and for society as a whole They too need support and services They would like access to training and support in their caring role This should form part of any local workforce development initiative
KH/00U Well-being agenda Local authorities have an important role to play in promoting well-being: –enabling independent living where possible –providing universal services –providing a pleasant and safe environment –Working in partnership with the local and voluntary community sector
KH/00U Preventative services Greater focus on preventative services through –the wider well-being agenda –access to universal services e.g. housing, leisure, community safety –better targeted early interventions –Measures recommended in Choosing Health This approach will prevent or defer the need for more costly intensive support. Shifting the balance of services will have implications for existing eligibility criteria
KH/00U The strategic and leadership role played by Local Government To effect change, high-quality leadership is essential at both officer and member levels Role of Director of Adult Social Services Support and develop market capacity and commission services more strategically Develop strategic partnerships Regular strategic needs assessments
KH/00U Shifting the focus of services Local partners will need to work together to promote and ensure a strategic balance of investment in local services –Community development –Prevention, enablement and early intervention services –Support and care services –Improving integrated partnership working – a range of models
KH/00U Funding Some resources tied up in unnecessary assessments or services that may no longer best meet the needs and requirements of people using services Improved access to universal services can reduce the need for social care Scope for making better use of funding, e.g. pooled budgets Gershon review target efficiency saving of 2.5% across local government services. Care services efficiency programme
KH/00U Links to other work Life chances for disabled people(PMSU) Strategy on ageing(DWP) The future of local government(ODPM) Every Child Matters : Change for Children NSFs Valuing People Choosing Health
KH/00U Consultation Green paper DASS Direct payments – extension and change of name