‘Skeptically Optimistic’ in an Open Online Course David S. Stein, Ph.D. Constance E. Wanstreet, Ph.D.
2 Boot Camp participant “I [had] a lot of skepticism towards being able to teach online... [and] develop the same sort of meaningful relationships with my students online.”
3 Boot Camp for Beginning Online Instructors Create favorable attitude Self-paced Asynchronous 20-hours/five days Quick-start guide
4 Boot Camp features Videos from experienced GTAs E-book for guidance Challenges to simulate online classroom Desire2Learn and iTunesU versions
5 Desktop version Daily challenges Readings Videos
6 Designed around five challenges Making the transition to online teaching Building online spaces for learning Preparing your students for online learning Managing and facilitating the online classroom Assessing learner outcomes
7 How do skeptical but hopeful GTAs learn to teach online?
8 No more fixed locations iPads, iPhones, everyday technology Use visual, aural, and textual features to create/express learning Internet access to: Materials Resources Other learners Instructor Portable Pedagogy
9 Activity system elements Tools Use LMS tools Participants Articulate roles Social Practices Identify types of interaction Learning Community Identify ways to engage Outcome Facilitate parts of a course Stein, D. S., & Wanstreet, C. E. (2011). Teaching in the future: A blueprint for faculty development. In S. D’Agustino (Ed.), Adaptation, resistance and access to instructional technologies: Assessing future trends in education (pp ). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
10 Tools Facilitate a course using the LMS Describe when to use discussions Describe when to provide feedback Distinguish between when to use a dropbox or a discussion board Demonstrate how to use news items Demonstrate how to use admin tools (i.e., gradebook, )
11 Using as an admin tool
12 Participants Articulate roles of faculty and students Assess readiness to teach Describe how to manage time and establish relationships Prepare students for the experience Direct students to technical help Compose welcome and expectations messages
13 Welcome message
14 Social Practices Identify different types of interaction Learner-learner Learner-instructor Learner-content Learner-interface Recognize what type of interaction is appropriate when Describe how to facilitate various types of interaction
15 Interaction and social presence
16 Learning Community Identify different ways to engage Articulate differences: Collaboration Cooperation Individual knowledge acquisition
17 Fostering community over coffee
18 Outcome Facilitate various parts of an online or hybrid course
19 Assess outcomes
20 Did it work? I have confidence to teach online: 100% I can use online tools: 100% I can get to know my students as well online as in person: 75% I can connect well with my students: 67% (N=52)
21 Boot Camp participant “Through the readings, activities, and the videos from experienced online instructors, I have a better sense of the opportunities of online teaching, whereas before I saw mostly limitations. I have gained comfort with the prospect of teaching online.”
22 Reflections “opened up new tools and concepts” “probably the best way to prepare” “enhanced my desire to make sure my students feel connected” “refined my understanding of online teaching”
23 Multiple opportunities to give back Relate Apply what they learn to their own courses Create Complete learning activities Donate Share their learning with others (Kearsley, G., & Schneiderman, B. (1997). Engagement theory: A framework for technology-based teaching and learning. Educational Technology, 38(5), Engagement
24 Contact us David Stein, Connie Wanstreet, iTunes U: