Addressing Stipulations in ACAP © Created by Isaac P. E. Mailleue Research Integrity Coordinator University of North Carolina at Greensboro September 2013
Addressing stipulations in ACAP If you are asked by the IACUC reviewers to make any changes to the protocol you will need to address the following: Once you have submitted your protocol to on ACAP, comments will be made by several groups, including the Vet, IACUC, and the Office of Research Integrity (ORI).
ACAP developers and the ORI recommend you use Internet Explorer (not version 11) when using ACAP. Some bugs have been much more likely to occur with other browsers We also recommend you always click buttons instead of hitting the “Enter” key. Again, some bugs seem more frequent if you hit the “Enter” key Always click “Save” on every page
Log into ACAP If you have been instructed to modify your protocol before receiving IACUC approval, click “In Process”.
Now click on the study you have been asked to modify.
If you have issues to address, the top of the page will have an “Attention Required” message
You can view your comments through ACAP (left) or you can print them out and go into each section to change them
Pay attention to the checks and speech bubbles
A “speech bubble” indicates comment boxes. If there is a green circle with a plus, there are no comments for that section. If the “speech bubble” does not have a green circle, a comment has been made on this section of your protocol.
When you click on the empty speech bubble, you will see a window pop up with an application comment.
You will need to return to your Item List to make the changes
Go into the appropriate section of your protocol and make the requested changes.
You will be able to click on “Edit Text” to change the information
In order for reviewers to see the changes, we ask that you PLEASE underline your changes or indicate that they are changes.
“SAVE” Remember to click “SAVE” on everything you change or it will be lost
Once you have addressed the comments, your changes will have be approved by the ORI administrator. If you have addressed all comments, click on “ Save” and submit your application again. The ORI administrator will also double check the responses, and may have to clear the comments.
Congratulations! You have addressed stipulations in ACAP! It will be returned to the “Revised” area of the ORI administrative dashboard for review and you will contacted with any questions or your approval.