Proposed Rules Changes to Address Industry Connections Activities John D’Ambrosia, DellDavid Law, HP July 13, 2015
ICCOM ( New Activities are required to use the baseline P&Ps, with modifications allowed by the baseline. Don’t allow Activities to follow the P&Ps of the Sponsoring Committee unless the Sponsor P&P specifically calls out IC activities Current 802 P&P does not mention IC Activities Previous IC activities approved by methodology similar to study groups. Only two mentions of study groups in P&P (7.11, 7.12) Therefore, make the change on the following page.
7.1.1 Actions Requiring Approval by a Majority Vote This clause shall not be modified except to include additional voting actions. Items in may be moved to if desired. The following actions require approval by a majority vote a)Approval of minutes. b)To request IEEE 802 Executive Committee approval of creation of a study group or an industry connections activity.