Intended Recipient and Folder Subscription (DSUB extension) 9th January, 2013 Mauro Zanardini (consorzio Arsenàl.IT)
Proposal Objectives: Extend subscription capabilities (folder metadata, intendedRecipient metadata) Extend notification payload Maintain the DSUB infrastructure unmodified (no new actors, no new transactions) Using of a new proposal for addressing changes configured as a large change proposal that SHOLUD affect many transactions.
Supplement Drafting (1/6): No changes in Vol.1: Maybe we can add a couple of new use-cases for describing the needs of the more extended subscription capabilities. Is there the need to simply change the name of Aactors and Transactions? (now are focused on document metadata concept) No specific issues related to security, privacy concepts. Do you agree?
Supplement Drafting (2/6): Changes that affect Vol.2: – Document Metadata Subscribe [ITI-52]: Semantics of Request/Response messages are unmodified Changes address section “Subscritpion Topics and Filter Expressions” – Add new “Topics” for any type notification payload that would be added (Topics: describe the type of event for which the notification is made and describe he content of the notification itself) add sections etc. Proposal: ihe:folderMetadata ihe:submissionMetadata
Supplement Drafting (3/6): – Add new Filter expression. [ITI-52] transaction is created inserting the whole stored query expression into an element. add sections Proposal: Subscriptions based on GetFolders query Subscriptions based on FindSubmissionSets query Submission metadata of interest is only the intendeRecipient This metadata is not part of the FindSubmissionSets query A CP for the FindSubmissionSets query IS NEEDED to make the intededRecipient an optionla parameter for the query
Supplement Drafting (4/6): – Change the Subscription based on FindDocuments query adding the typeCode metadata Security Considerations are not affected by the changes proposed! Audit Records are unchanged Information managed by the subscription don’t change security requirements
Supplement Drafting (5/6): Some changes are needed for the ITI-53 transaction (Document Metadata Notify) – As a Result of the definition of new TOPICS
Supplement Drafting (6/6): Publish and Subscribe infrastructure is not affected by changes proposed
Possible additional Purposes: MPQ approach for subscritpion Constrain the using of fullNotification Extend filter expression to other query ….