ASEAN Integration: Cross Border Mobility of Librarians Pimrumpai Premsmit
Foreigners working in Thailand Valid visa Work permit Occupations that does not violate the Alien Employment Act
Occupations are closed to foreigners Alien Employment Act Such as : Professional engineering concerning design…. Professional architectural work concerning design ……. Clerical and secretary work NO LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE (LIS) PROFESSION
LIS is not a regulated profession. In Thailand, LIS professional does not require a license.
Foreigner employment in universities : CU case study Documents needed for application: –academic records and rational for employment –Work experience –education qualifications (certificates, unidegrees) –non –immigrant B passport Two types of contracts –More than 2 years –Under 2 years Work Permit
Information Professionals An information professionals (IP) strategically uses information in his/her job to advance the mission of the organization. The IP accomplishes this through the development, deployment, and management of information resources and services. The IP harnesses technology as a critical tool to accomplish goals. IPs include, but are not limited to librarians, knowledge managers, chief information officers, web developers, information brokers, and consultants.
Modern Information Professionals Characterizes the emphasis given to information and the access to information
Definitions of Competencies The combination of observable and measurable knowledge, skills, abilities and personal attributes that contribute to enhanced employee performance and ultimately result in organizational success.
Knowledge - formal education and training Skills or abilities – practice Attitudes – emotional and social aspects
Competencies knowledgeSkillsattitudecapacitiesabilities Responsibili ties initiative
Core Competencies ( Gorman and Corbitt) Client needs and services Management of people and resources Technology utilization Organization of knowledge
Competencies (Premsmit 2004) Management Information resources / knowledge resources and information resources management User needs and information services Technology and technology utilization General competencies
Management Provide leadership Have interpersonal skills Foster quality assurance Policies & planning Understand and commit to mission, value and vision of organization
Information and knowledge resources/ information resources management evaluate and select information resources have expert knowledge of information resources’ contents and forms provide access to internal & external resources identify information sources appropriate to users’ needs know the principles and methods of knowledge organization
User needs and information services information need analysis research, analyze and synthesize information understand information seeking behavior connect users with needed information evaluate service effectiveness
Technology and technology utilization evaluate and select appropriate technology staff training on technology use Internet service electronic/digital libraries development provide electronic services
General competencies foster collaborative network self-development planning understand laws and regulations related to information knowledge and commitment to professional ethics academic work production
Primary Assistant Librarian Bangkok International Prep and Secondary School Wattana Department: Academic Report to: Whole School Head Teaching Librarian & Coordinator 1. Acquisition 1.1 Do research for resources that the primary students and teachers might need and contact subject teachers for any subject interests. 1.2 Seek for resources needed in # 1.1 and for any new Fiction, Non-fiction and other resources for students. 1.3 Enter acquisitions to the digital system. 1.4 Place resource and book orders and contact the purchasing staff.
2. Services 2.1 Check in, check out, reserve, and recall books from the users. 2.2 Provide reference service by helping students search resources via the library systems and other searching tools. 2.3 Make notices for students and accountants. 2.4 Ensure the return of leaving students’ library books and textbooks. & liaise with Accounting. 2.5 Make displays to promote any new and interesting books to the students.
3. Technical works 3.1 Receive & run accession number of resources in library & textbook collections. 3.2 Make catalogues of resources in the library system. 3.3 Make spines, sticking signs and covering. 3.4 Bind periodicals and do some book repairs. 3.5 Shelve books. 3.6 Weeding of old library and textbooks
4. Periodicals works 4.1 Work with teachers for the needs of subscribing, quitting or renewing periodicals. 4.2 Create & maintain a periodical back issue check out system/ 4.3 Make clippings for subject teachers when requested. 4.4 Maintain back issue of magazines & newspapers to agreed upon back date. 5. Teaching 5.1 Teach basic library skills for new students who arrive within the school year. 5.2 Support curriculum lessons taught by Head Teaching Librarian or subject teachers.
6. Administration works 6.1 Assist Head Librarian in revising & updating Sec. Library policy as needed. 6.2 Assist Head Librarian in creating Sec. Library plan for each academic year. 6.3 Ensure library computer work daily. Liaise with ICT for repairs or updates. 6.4 Communicate repairs and cleanliness needs to maintenance as needed. 6.5 Keep active statistics of student population library use throughout the day. 6.6 Update & develop the library firefly page regularly. 6.7 Stay up to date with Destiny Library Server Computer Program.