1 UBL JPLSC Report May 9, 2005 Yukinori Saito Vice Chair of OASIS UBL JPLSC Fuji Electric Information Service Co., Ltd. OASIS UBL TC Hangzhou Meeting
2 Recent Activities (F2F Meeting) 6 th Meeting ( ) 7 th Meeting ( ) 8 th Meeting ( ) 9 th Meeting ( ) 10 th Meeting ( ) -Report of UBL TC Copenhagen meeting by Y-Saito. -Review of Japanese translation of UBL Business Documents. -Introduction of Japanese OASIS web site. -Discussion about IPR policy of OASIS, UN/CEFACT, and ECOM. -Study of BIE, Data Type, CCT, and Representation Term. -Review of translation of Data Type. -Study of UBL Code List. -Study of relations among UBL Business documents, Data Type, CCT. -Discussion and revise of the Mapping document from ECALGA to UBL. -Review of ‘Mapping Study from Japanese Major Business Document to UBL’. -Confirmation of the translation of UBL Data Type. -Discussion about JPLSC’s proposal to UBL TC regarding ECALGA. -Mr. Naito (Osaka Institute of Technology) has firstly joined. - Discussion about collaboration with Osaka Institute of Technology.
3 Members of JPLSC Noboru ItohSunbridge Solutions Corp. Yukinori SaitoFuji Electric Information Service Co., Ltd. Chair of SME’s EC Promotion WG in ECOM Nobuyuki SambuichiHitachi Systems and Services, Ltd. Shin TakagiHitachi Systems and Services, Ltd. Kentaro EjimaInfoteria Corporation Hiroshi NaitoOsaka Institute of Technology Naomasa HosodaNEC Soft, Ltd. Akihiro KawauchiProcess Business Research Institute (Observer) Keizo OkabeSunbridge Solutions Corp. OASIS Japanese Representative ■Chair ■Vice Chair ■Members
4 Translation of UBL Specifications (1/2) -Done -Translated by July, Now reviewing and revising. -No need to translate. -But we are studying the contents of Code List in order to understand UBL mechanism. -This document is necessary for design new business documents and XML schema. -We (UBL user) think that no needs to translate currently. -We think that this document is necessary in case to understand Code lists. -But, currently, We have no plan of translation. ■Business Document Spreadsheet ■UBL 1.0 (index.html) ■Code Lists (13 xsd files) ■UBL 1.0 Naming and Design Rules Checklist ■UBL Code List Representation
5 Translation of UBL Specifications (2/2) -This document explains customization methodologies in view point of XML schema. -No needs to translate for JPLSC, because we don’t customize UBL at XML schema level. -We think that understanding this document may be necessary for UBL users. This CCT document is same to ebXML CCTS CCT. -ECOM and JPLSC have no plan of translation. -We think that understanding this document may be necessary for UBL users. -We translated this document (UBL Name and Definition). -We submitted the translated spreadsheet and some comments to UBL TC regarding UDT and SDT. -UBL TC should follow the issue list. -Future subject. ■Guidelines For The Customization of UBL V1.0 Schema ■UBL- CoreComponentTypes- 1.0.xls ■UBL- UnspecializedDatatype s-1.0.xls ■UBL- SpecializedDatatypes- 1.0.xls ■Formatting specifications
6 Mapping study from Japanese major business document (ECALGA) to UBL 1.Background and Object (1) To study concretely and evaluate the use case and possibility of adoption of UBL in Japanese marketplace. (2) To develop UBL subset that will be suitable to be used as a business document in Japan or East Asia. (3)The most possible use case for UBL is the international trade. Especially, the East Asia countries. 2.Refer to the report ‘Mapping Study from Japanese Major Business Document to UBL’. (1)Background and Object (2)Major business document in Japan (3)Mapping methods (4)Explanation about BIEs which are not mapped to UBL (5)Results of mapping (6)Several observations and evaluations
7 Proposal to UBL TC regarding the mapping study from ECALGA ProposalResolutions (UBL TC Pacific Call) Item 1: ConsignmentIndicator Defer until developing a purchase demand business process model. No change to UBL 1.0. Item 2: SupplyCodeDefer until developing a supply goods business process model. No change to UBL 1.0. Item 3: ContractConditionCode Add Contract (ABIE) to UBL Order. Item 4: ItemName Add Name (BBIE) to Item (ABIE in Reusable ). Item 5: InspectionMethodCode Add InspectionMethodCode (BBIE) to LineItem (ABIE in Reusable). Item 6: DeliveryContact Add DeliveryContact (ASBIE) to Delivery (ABIE). Item 7: BuyerBarcodeInformation Use AdditionalItemIdentification (BBIE) in Item (ABIE in Reusable). No change to UBL 1.0. Item 8: CurrencyCode CurrencyCode should be specified by the attribute of Amount (BBIE). Remove CurrencyCode from AllowanceCharge, and make Amount mandatory.
8 Related activities concerning UBL in Japan 1.ECOM (Electronic Commerce Promotion Council of Japan) -ECOM developed a business document named ‘Business document model for the manufacturing domain’ last fiscal year. This business document is a subset of ECALGA. -ECOM did mapping study from ‘Business document model for the manufacturing domain (ECALGA based)’ to UBL last fiscal year. -In this mapping studying process, ECOM developed a UBL subset for e- business between SMEs and big enterprises in Japan. 2.Common XML/EDI Practice Promotion Council -The Common XML/EDI Practice Promotion Council has been established in May, This council promote next generation common XML/EDI system for not only big enterprises but also SMEs. -This council developed the Common XML/EDI framework standards. -The business document in this Common XML/EDI framework standards is ‘Business document model for the manufacturing domain (ECALGA based)’ and UBL subset.