NIHR Coordinating Centre for Research Capacity Development NIHR Integrated Academic Trainees NIHR Coordinating Centre for Research Capacity Development [DATE]
NIHR Coordinating Centre for Research Capacity Development NIHR Academic Clinical Fellowships Purpose: Support in making application for training fellowship or educational programme Recruitment is following national and deanery advertisement Looking for a balance of academic and clinical skills Posts requires PMETB approval Appointment normally through the NHS Trust Honorary University contract 25% research training managed to fit with clinical training rotas
NIHR Coordinating Centre for Research Capacity Development Responsibilities Partnership between university, deanery and trust(s) Post specific queries should be directed through Programme, Clinical or Academic leads and Postgraduate Deaneries. Serious problems escalated to: PMETB or BMA NIHR CCRCD provides national guidance, supporting documentation and advice NIHR Dean for Training – Career management of all trainees who are funded by NIHR – Quality of training programmes, local and mentoring support – Leadership training
NIHR Coordinating Centre for Research Capacity Development Main Issues Raised Last Year Supervision arrangements and contacts Academic Training Financial – conferences, research costs, banding Standard National Conditions Flexibility Main Issues Raised Last Year
NIHR Coordinating Centre for Research Capacity Development April £1000 for travel and conferences / annum ACFs starting September 2009, requirement for access to tailored Research Training Programme (University) Recognition of locally funded ACFs Whats New
NIHR Coordinating Centre for Research Capacity Development ACF Experience Identify 3 things that would improve your experience as an NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow