Persuasion, Media Violence and Public Service Announcements High School Media Literature and Library Media GRASPS
Wisconsin Information and Technology State Standards Use common media and technology terminology and equipment Use a computer and productivity software to organize and create information Use media and technology to create and present information Evaluate the use of media and technology in a product or presentation Use information, media, and technology in a responsible manner
Enduring Understandings Our opinions are influenced by what we see, hear and read in the media. The media industry uses a variety of methods to persuade the public’s buying habits or influence public opinions. The media industry uses a variety of methods to sell products or messages. The media industry does not always have a direct message. Consumers must read between the lines.
Essential Questions What is the media’s purpose? Why does the media industry use a variety of methods to sell products or influence opinions? How are our opinions affected by what we see, hear, or read in the media? How does the media persuade the public? Why does the media use different forms and tools of persuasion? Why does the media use pop culture to persuade the public?
Goal Your task is to create a thirty second Public Service Announcement (PSA) informing your audience about media violence.
Role You work for an advertising agency and have been asked to create the PSA
Audience Your target audience is high school students
Situation Your challenge is to inform your audience about the effects of media violence on media viewers.
Product, Performance and Purpose Your PSA must tell the audience what to watch out for when seeing violence in the media. It must also persuade the audience to be active, critical thinkers when they are watching television, movies, or playing video games. You will use Microsoft Photo Story and Audacity to create your PSA. You will need to create a storyboard, take photographs or find images, incorporate music, and narration or text (if appropriate) (you will need to write a script for the narration or text).
Your product must meet the following Standards and Criteria for Success: The storyboard must demonstrate good preparation and planning. You must follow copyright and fair use guidelines. The PSA: achieves effective application of violence in the message. demonstrates a good understanding of building blocks and emotional appeals of persuasion uses appropriate appeals to communicate the message effectively. demonstrates a good use of visual images to communicate the message effectively. demonstrates a good use of music to help communicate the message effectively. demonstrates a good use of narration or text to communicate the message effectively. has good continuity and is a polished and finished product. Every image, graphic, or sound file is either original or it is documented from the creator/owner. Fair Use guidelines are followed for the correct amount of images and music.