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Group 2 Back Back Teacher focus group: 1.Working with the teacher, take turns reading passages of Misery Guts. 2.When you have finished reading, discuss what the main points of the chapter are. 3.Create a flow chart of the chapter showing the most important points the author addresses. 4.If time allows: return to your desk and use your flow chart to write a half page summary of the chapter in your own words including your own thoughts on what has happened so far.
Group 3 Back Back Read the short story of Rumplestiltskin. After doing this, create a comic strip / storyboard that shows what happened in story.
Group 4 Back Back Read the descriptive piece 'Return to Africa' and draw what you think the house and its surroundings may look like from the description given.
Group 1 Back Back Computer Group: Signs and symbols make up a huge part of our world. They are an excellent way of advertising and the images used can have a huge impact for companies profits. 1.Locate as many famous signs / symbols as you can and copy and paste them into a word document. 2.Do not use any words 3.Try and find some abstract images that may only appeal / have meaning to a few people