AGENDA Pre-Requisites for College Bound Students Academic Program Testing Dates SAT vs. ACT What Colleges Look For CSU System, UC System and Private Colleges and Conservatories What to look for in a College Application Process Counselor Forms and Teacher Recommendations College Search College Visit Applying Early The Common Application What to do this summer Tips for Parents Financial Aid
Must take the appropriate classes (a-g) Pattern of college prep courses Must earn the appropriate grades No D’s or F’s Must take the appropriate tests SAT or ACT (SAT Subj)
S TRONG A CADEMIC P ROGRAM History 2 years English 4 years Math3 – 4 years Science2 – 4 years Foreign Language2 – 4 years VPA0 - 1 year
SAT VS ACT Aptitude vs. Achievement SAT still critical thinking test SAT essay is optional SAT more time per section SAT guessing penalty is gone ACT wealth of study materials ACT Science portion ACT with writing ACT Trigonometry
Testing dates SAT Testing Dates Oct 3, 2015 Nov 7, 2015 Dec 5, 2015 Jan 23, 2016 Mar 5, 2016 May 7, 2016 June 4, 2016 Register on-line at ACT Testing Dates Oct 24, 2015 Dec 12, 2015 February 6, 2016 April 9, 2016 June 11, 2016 Register on-line at
W HAT C OLLEGES L OOK F OR 1. Courses taken (strength of academic program) 2. Grades received 3. Strength of Senior year (min 4 academics) 4. Test Scores 5. Essay 6. Teacher/Counselor Recommendations
CSU S YSTEM 23 universities Largest university system in the nation Top 33% of HS Graduates GPA in the a-g courses taken in 10th through 12th grades is 3.0 and above, you are automatically eligible. If your GPA is between 2.0 and 3.0, your eligibility also depends on how well you do on the SAT or ACT Requirements: a-g requirements Grades of C or better Minimum GPA of 2.0 SAT or ACT w/Writing
UC SYSTEM - 9 UC campuses -Eligibility in the Local Context (ELC) Top 9% -UC GPA also limits AP extra points to 4 classes - Academic grade point average (GPA), calculated using 10th and 11th grade UC– approved courses only. - Performance on standardized tests: the ACT Assessment Plus Writing or the SAT Reasoning Test, and two SAT Subject Tests - The strength of your senior year program Requirements: a-g Requirements Minimum GPA to apply 3.0 Courses can be repeated 1 time for “D or F” Make – ups for “C” grades are not accepted SAT or ACT w/Writing
P RIVATE C OLLEGES AND C ONSERVATORIES Requirements vary by school SAT or ACT Most require letters of recommendation Some focus exclusively on the arts
W HAT YOU LOOK FOR M ajor A cademic Selectivity T erritory (size/location/rural/urban) C ost H elp (student support)
APPLICATION PROCESS Application Official transcript SAT/ACT scores Essay(s) Resume Secondary School Report Counselor Recommendation Teacher Recommendations (2) Application fee
F ORMS THE C OUNSELOR PROVIDES Secondary School Report Un-official Transcripts Copy of School Profile Counselor letter of Rec
TEACHER RECOMMENDATIONS 1 math/science and 1 humanities (suggestion) Choose a teacher who knows the student BEST Request at least 3 weeks from application deadline Provide teacher with all forms (completed) and a Stamped Addressed Envelope for every campus. Provide teacher with resume & samples of previous work.
C OLLEGE RESEARCH CollegeBoard – College Planning Step by Step Peterson’s guide to Colleges - Attend College Fairs Performing Visual Arts – Sat, Oct 24 th 1:00-3:30pm UCLA Academic – Thurs, April 28, 2016, 9-12:00noon and 6:00-9:00pm Pasadena Convention Center College Rep Visits – “LACHSA College Fair” Friday, Oct 23 rd – 1:00-4:00pm Virtual Tours Talk with your counselor Talk to your Arts Chairs
THE COLLEGE VISIT Plan in advance Tour only a few schools at a time Take the guided tour Take a digital camera Parents should attend whenever possible Examine: Classes / Library / Commons / Depts of interest / Student life Ask Questions: How hard is it to get 1 st choice classes? What is the graduation rate?
A PPLYING E ARLY EARLY DECISION: Binding – must withdraw all other applications if accepted. Can only apply early to one college. EARLY ACTION: non-binding – may consider other options if accepted. Early options are for those students who do NOT need to repeat SAT scores and who are SURE of their college choice.
T HE C OMMON A PPLICATION Over 600 colleges utilize the Common Application. It is available at Simplifies the application process by providing BASIC forms you complete once. Many colleges require a Supplemental Form specific to their university.
W HAT TO DO NEXT SUMMER Visit colleges Begin writing essays prompts Make a list of the qualities you desire in a college Develop your personal interests Retake the SAT and /or ACT in the fall Take a summer class at a local college Volunteer Complete the counselor ‘ brag sheet ’
T IPS FOR P ARENTS Look for the right fit Do not direct – let your child take ownership of this process Stay on top of deadlines Join your child for college campus visits
FINANCIAL AID Federal / State / Institutional Grants / Loans / Work-Study Merit based scholarships – begin searching next summer Need based scholarships – begin searching next summer Essay contests – start looking at the end of the year Scholarship websites: and
G ET ME TO COLLEGE Rebecca Joseph, PHD from Cal State LA Will speak to our seniors on Friday October 2 nd at 8:00 a.m. in Caroline’s Loft. Regarding college essays.