New teachers seminar August 22, 2012 Jens Chr. Godskesen Head of Department
Contents The departmental structure Teaching obligations
The Department ITU has 1 department for research and education (The Department) It consists of a learning and research support unit (Research and Learning Support, RL), and 5 sections: Computer Games and Interaction Design Culture, Aesthetics, Organizations, and Society IT Management and Leadership Software and Systems Theoretical Computer Science
The Department Management A Department Management is in charge of running the department and taking care of its development Members are: all section heads, head of Research and Learning Support, Head of Studies, Head of PhD School, one appointed member, Head of Department
Research at ITU A faculty member belongs to one or more of 11 research groups: AlgorithmsProcess and Systems Models Center for Computer Games ResearchProgramming Logics and Semantics Digital CultureSoftware Development Digital Media and CommunicationSoftware Engineering Interaction DesignTechnologies in Practice Pervasive Interactive Technology
The ECTS Model (i) The model for a faculty’s teaching load (The ECTS model) tells that an: Assistant Professor must earn 258 ECTS points/semester Associate/Full Professor must earn 322 ECTS points/semester Adding also the requirements from the Sabbatical Policy we get Assistant Professors must earn 278 ECTS points/semester Associate/Full Professors must earn 349 ECTS points/semester
The ECTS Model (ii) A course of size 7.5 ECTS points with 40 students (passing exams) gives 300 points, likewise a 15 ECTS point course with 20 students, and Master Thesis students gives 30 points each. There is a flexibility within the model in that the Head of Department just requests from a Section Head that a section as a whole performs according to the ECTS requirements.