how to explain your to non- scientists
Why bother? funding sources responsibility to stakeholders involving “consumers” career opportunities correct misconceptions outreach declining science literacy
…and it pays! (Bonus resources) Soc iety for Applied Microbiology Communications AwardSoc iety for Applied Microbiology Communications Award EuroStemCell Communications Award CIHR's Health Research Communication Award CIHR's Health Research Communication Award Grand Challenges PhD Comics' 2 Minute Thesis contest
Who are these non-scientists? funderspotential collaborators future in-laws media random people you meet at a party advocacy groups policymakersadministrators
How not to do it:
Here is a more effective way.more effective ["rock star physicist" Brian Cox's brilliant explanation of the Higgs Boson]
Ways to get your idea across metaphor / simile infographic elevator pitch get creative: dance, rap, mime
Metaphor / simile The spinal cord is like a telephone cable; when it’s cut, the signals can no longer get through. I’m researching tiny particles that can act like repairmen to make new connections.
Infographics (& other artwork)
Infographic: bonus resource Great data visualization tutorials & examples:
Elevator pitch Imagine that you’re taking an elevator up 12 floors with the director of a major funding agency... [video of an award-winning pitch]
Elevator pitch: bonus resource Great article in Nature Jobs on scientific elevator pitchesarticle in Nature Jobs
Getting creative
Getting creative: bonus resources Dance your PhD Dance your PhD The TEDx Dance Your PhD talk The TEDx Dance Your PhD talk The european stem cell collaboration, eurostemcell, is holding a poetry and rap competition
Tips: Tell your science like a (very short) story Be persuasive Choose the audience’s medium Remember the “inciting incident” Be nerdy
Now it’s your turn
Show your work: 2 minute video or song a series of 140 word tweets One drawing/image/infographic/cartoon Submissions earn $5 gift card, entered to win a $50 iTunes or Amazon gift card
More Resources SciFund Challenge Outreach ClassesOutreach Classes The Anti-vaccine disease: rant or reason Advocating for your research: (This is a video of Brian Cox that lays out the case for ongoing funding for discovery: an example of how communication to non- scientists is importantvideo of Brian Cox Don’t hesitate to contact Jocelyn or Cheryl any time for help: it’s the part of our jobs we like the best!)
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