JEOPARDY Mrs. Keller Chapter 6 6 th Grade Science
THE RULES l Competing teams will be selected. l Everyone will actively participate. l Each team will decide on a “batting order”. Please write it down. l No penalties for wrong answers, so try. l Each team will be rewarded with points. l Be positive, encourage your teammates. l ALEX is the Judge, all decisions are final.
Jeopardy Round Categories are:
Temperature and Earth’s Rotation
Ocean Currents
Wind and Weather
Energy, Motion, Gyres, and Oceans
Temperature & Earth’s Rotation Ocean Currents Jeopardy End of Round WaterEnergy, Motion, Gyres, & Oceans Wind & Weather
$200 l The average surface temperature of Earth. l What is 15°?
$400 l This is the main cause of seasons on Earth. l What is the axial tilt of Earth?
$600 l If Earth rotated more slowly, Earth’s temperature would be _____ in daytime and ______ at night. l What is warmer and colder?
$800 l If Earth had no atmosphere, its average temperature would ____. l What is decrease?
$1000 l If the amount of greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere increase, Earth will lose ____ heat energy and ____ in average temperature. l What is less and increase?
$200 l This is an example of a surface ocean current. l What is the Gulf Stream?
$400 l When water expands at the equator, surface ocean currents are formed that move the water toward ________________. l What is the north and south poles?
$600 l This is how is heat energy is spread throughout Earth. l What are ocean currents?
$800 l Surface ocean currents are caused by these two things. l What are wind and water expansion?
$1000 l ________ and _______ cause deep ocean currents. l What are temperature and saltiness?
$200 l This causes wind to form. l What is the heating and cooling of air? $200
$400 l This is the area in which it is most likely to be cloudy. l What is an area of low pressure? $400
l The environment on the east side of a mountain range would be… l What is dry? $600
$800 l Convection cells cause the weather patterns in the U.S. to move from _____ to _____. l What is from west to east? $800
$1000 l The type of small convection current that is used by hawks and sailplane pilots. l What is thermal? $1000
$200 l This kind of air can hold a lot of water vapor and rise. l What is warm air? $200
$400 l The relative humidity on a foggy day. l What is 100%? $400
$600 l An air mass rises and cools, reaching 100% relative humidity at 20°C. When this happens: l What is it starts to form clouds and rain? $600
$800 l An air mass rises and cools, reaching 100% relative humidity at 0°C. What will start to form? l What is sleet and snow? $800
$1000 l A cool wind blows off the cool water onto the warm land, and forms a convection current. Why does this happen? l What is the temperature difference between the air above the land and the air above the water? $1000
$200 $200 l Most of the water on Earth is found here. l What are oceans ? $200
$400 l Earth’s revolution around the sun equals a _____. l What is a year? $400
$600 l This causes a gyre to curve as it flows away from the equator. l What is the rotation of Earth? $600
$800 l In the northern hemisphere, gyres move in this direction. l What is clockwise? $800
$1000 l If Earth gained more energy from the sun than was lost to space, Earth’s average temperature would _____. l What is increase? $1000