Knitted together A new pattern for the future Linda Newington 8 February 2011
Casting on The Knitting Collections Montse Stanley, Richard Rutt and Jane Waller Knitted objects, photographs and postcards, knitting patterns, journals, magazines and books All books and journals catalogued Organisation of the patterns Hand list for the objects 2
Writing a new pattern with JISC & VADS Nostalgia and Renewal at the ARLIS conference 2009 Met with VADS at a reception Opportunity to be lead collection Ideal stage to explore digitisation Prior work with the collection, In the loop 2008, Cornershop Digital Library Unit at the Hartley Library 3
World of knitting 1 Prioritised 19 th century knitting manuals Unique collection, out of copyright, of interest to researchers Full text copies Probably not a priority for BL or NAL Licence to deposit with VADS 4
World of knitting 2 Knitting Pattern Collection Public engagement Themes Wider context Students, researchers, members of the public, groups and societies, all are ambassadors for the collection Web 2 generation 5
Piecing it all together Copyright permissions Company information Licences Catalogue records 100 texts, 100 patterns, 100 objects Enhancement? 6
Learning new stitches with Look Here! Value of collaboration Learning from others Professional support Testing ideas, thinking time Invaluable input from experts Project has enabled us to move the collection forward 7
Making up Permissions for knitting patterns Cataloguing the patterns Working to themes Completing digitisation of 19 th century texts Deposit with VADS 100 patterns, 100 objects, 100 photographs In the loop 3, 2012 The voices of knitting 8