International Conference on Case-based Reasoning (ICCBR) 2010 Isabelle Bichindaritz Stefania Montani
Thank you Organizers Applications Track – Professor Jerzy Surma CCC Workshop & Contest – Professors Amelie Cordier & David Aha Doctoral Consortium – Professor Klaus-Dieter Althoff
Thank you Organizers Workshops Chair – Professor Cindy Marling Individual Workshops Chairs – Professors Manish Mehta, Santiago Ontañon, Antonio A. Sanchez-Ruiz, Derek Bridge, Sarah Jane Delany, Enric Plaza, Barry Smyth, Nirmalie Wiratunga, Ashwin Ram, Saurav Sahay, David Leake, Thomas Roth-Berghofer, Joseph Kendall-Morwick
Thank you Invited Speakers Professor Riccardo Bellazzi Research Director Amedeo Napoli Professor Ashwin Ram
Thank you PC Members & Additional Reviewers Authors & Presenters Participants
Thank you Sponsors Fondazione CRT Fondazione CRAL Empolis
Thank you Local Organization Sara Zuccotto Alessio Bottrighi Andrea Cosseta Giorgio Leonardi Roberto Pinna Computer Science Department of the University of Piemonte Orientale Local Chair Professor Stefania Montani
Papers Statistics # submissions# oral presentations # posters Papers statistics Authors from 13 countries
Papers Statistics Authors’ countries
Papers Statistics Participants’ countries (84 participants)
Next ICCBR Greenwich College, London, September 2011 Conference Chairs Professor Nirmalie Wiratunga Professor Ashwin Ram Local Chair Professor Miltos Petridis