The Ocean Floor
Studying the Ocean Floor Risky to explore ocean floor Ways to survey include: Sonar Satellite Ways to explore: Alvin Deep Flight Jason II & Medea
Sonar Sound Navigation And Ranging Sends pulses from a ship down into ocean… bounces off bottom and returns pulse back to ship Deeper water = longer pulse response
Satellite Seasat – satellite took images that allowed us to measure direction and speed of ocean currents Geosat – measures changes in height of ocean’s surface Used be top-secret Now used to make ocean maps
Regions of Ocean Floor Ocean floor is not flat Many features: Rift valley, mid-ocean ridge, seamounts, and trenches Continental Shelf, C. Slope, C. Rise, and Abyssal Plain
Ocean Floor
Regions of Ocean Floor Continental shelf – begins at shoreline and slopes gently toward open ocean. Continues until ocean floor begins to slope more steeply downward Depth can reach 200m Continental Slope – begins at edge of continental shelf. Continues down to flattest part of ocean floor. 200m – 4000m
Regions of Ocean Floor Continental Rise – the base of the C. Slope, is made of large piles of sediment. The boundary between the continental margin and the deep-ocean basin lies underneath the continental rise. Abyssal Plain – the broad, flat part of the deep-ocean basin. It is covered by mud and the remains of tiny marine organisms. The avg depth is 4000m.
Exploring Ocean Piloted Vessels: Alvin: - 7m long Can reach deepest parts of ocean Used to find sunken ships; lost H bomb Found life near hydrothermal vents near Galapagos.
Exploring Ocean Piloted Vessels: Deep Flight: - underwater airplane Goal is to one day dive 11,000m deep. Robotic Vessels: Jason II and Medea Reduce costs w/out pilot Can withstand high pressure
Life in the Ocean
{Zoo (animal) and Phyto(Plant)} Marine Life Three main groups : Plankton (microscopic floaters) {Zoo (animal) and Phyto(Plant)} Nekon (swimming organisms) – mammals and fish Benthos (live at bottom) – crabs, starfish, worms, coral, sponges, seaweed, and clams
Benthic Environment Bottom environment Region near ocean floor and all the organisms live on or in it Zones Include: Intertidal, Sublittoral, Baythal, Abyssal, and Hadal I’m Sure Being A Handful!
Benthic Environment
Pelagic Environment Zone near the ocean’s surface and at middle depths Beyond Sublittoral Zone and above Abyssal Zone Two Major Zones: Neritic and Oceanic Zone
Viper Fish Grenadier