Made by Patrick Earl
The Ocean Floor 1.) The Continental shelf 2.) The Continental Slope 3.) The abyssal plain 4.) The mid-ocean ridge 5.) Ocean trenches
The continental shelf is the underwater part of a continent before the sea floor drops down into the ocean.
Ocean Waves and Tides 1. What causes waves 2. How does a break form 3. What causes Tides 4. What is a spring and a neap tide? 5. Ocean currents
Where the land meets water. 1. Barrier Islands 2. Estuaries 3. Fjords 4. Deltas 5. Types of beaches
Coral Reefs 1. What are they made of? 2. How do they build up? 3. Atolls 4. Where are coral reefs located?
Ocean Life 1. Tidal Pools 2. Plankton 3. Kelp forest 4. Benthos 5. Nektons 1. Fish 2. Marine Reptiles 3. Marine mammals