AAC’08 Santa Cruz CA, July 27th - August 2nd 2008 DEVELOPMENT OF A FERROELECTRIC BASED TUNABLE DLA STRUCTURE * A.Kanareykin Euclid TechLabs LLC, Rockville, MD * This work is supported by the DOE, High Energy Physics AAC’08, Santa Cruz CA, 2008
AAC’08 Santa Cruz CA, July 27th - August 2nd 2008 A.Kanareykin, Euclid TechLabs LLC C.Jing, Euclid Techlabs LLC/ANL E. Nenasheva, Ceramics Ltd A.Semenov, Eltech University P.Schoessow, Euclid Techlabs LLC J.G.Power, Argonne National Lab W.Gai, Argonne National Lab PROJECT IN COLLABORATION WITH ANL/AWA TEAM
AAC’08 Santa Cruz CA, July 27th - August 2nd 2008 Tunable Dielectric Loaded Accelerator Ferroelectric MW dielectric Electrodes to apply dc field
AAC’08 Santa Cruz CA, July 27th - August 2nd 2008 Development of a 400 μm Thin Cylindrical BST(M) Ferroelectric Layer. Press-form for the waveguide fabrication that makes possible to place tubes inside horizontally providing uniformity of compaction along its length. Raw form of the cylindrical ceramic waveguides made of forsterite ceramic, permittivity of 6.8 (white) and BST-MgO- Mg 2 TiO 4, BST(M) ferroelectric (grey).
AAC’08 Santa Cruz CA, July 27th - August 2nd 2008 the set of the “witness” samples for GHz and 1 MHz dielectric response measurements Dual Layer Forsterite – BST(M) Structure forsteriteBST(M)
AAC’08 Santa Cruz CA, July 27th - August 2nd 2008 BST(m) Mechanical Properties Double layer dielectric-based accelerator loading assembly Thermal Conductivity 7.02 W/m-K Coefficient of Thermal Expansion 10.1*10 -6 K -1 Modulus of Elasticity1.7*10 2 GPa Poisson’s Ratio 0.2 Density 4.86 g/cm 3 Specific Heat kJ/kg-K Bending Strength 127 MPa
AAC’08 Santa Cruz CA, July 27th - August 2nd 2008 The Tunable DLA Resonator with Double Layer Loading K-band TM 01 launcher and the setup for the K band dielectric accelerating structure bench testing at the ANL/AWA
AAC’08 Santa Cruz CA, July 27th - August 2nd 2008 SuperLANS simulations of the (a) TM 011, GHz; (b) TM 012, GHz and (c) TM 013, GHz modes of the DLA resonator. SuperLANS simulations * Δf/f=1/2(Q f /Q)(Δε/ε) # * I.Gonin, V.Yakovlev # εTM 011 MHz/ Q 1 TM 012 MHz/ Q 2 TM 013 MHz/ Q
AAC’08 Santa Cruz CA, July 27th - August 2nd 2008 C. Jing, April Temperature Tuning of the DLA Structure Temperature tuning of 14 MHz/ 0 K
AAC’08 Santa Cruz CA, July 27th - August 2nd 2008 GHz T, 0 C A.Semenov, April 2008 Temperature Tuning of the Ka- band Planar DLA Resonator Temperature tuning of 18 MHz/ 0 K
AAC’08 Santa Cruz CA, July 27th - August 2nd 2008 High Voltage Tuning Setup layout of the double layer DLA resonator with the high voltage supply set and coaxial TM mode launcher for the bench testing
AAC’08 Santa Cruz CA, July 27th - August 2nd 2008 C.Jing, April frequency spectrum shift of the Ka band tunable ferroelectric based DLA High Voltage Tuning Demonstration 6 MHz at 20 kV/cm
AAC’08 Santa Cruz CA, July 27th - August 2nd 2008 High Voltage Tuning of the Ka- band Planar DLA Resonator A.Semenov, April 2008 S 11 measurements of the tunable Ka band resonator 85 MHz frequency shift at 20 kV/cm dc voltage
AAC’08 Santa Cruz CA, July 27th - August 2nd 2008 C.Jing, R.Konecny a, cmb, cmc, cm 11 2 Beam Test of the Tunable DLA SHV 20 kV connector and “transparent” dc contacts TM GHzTM GHzTM GHz
AAC’08 Santa Cruz CA, July 27th - August 2nd 2008 C.Jing, April Tunable Wakefield Power Extractor. The difference from the conventional dielectric-based wakefield power extractor is that we use two ferroelectric slabs that position along the outer surface of the dielectric tube. The rest area of the dielectric tube is covered by a split copper tube to hold the metallic boundary condition.
AAC’08 Santa Cruz CA, July 27th - August 2nd 2008 Summary Temperature variation: - 14 MHz/K 0 for the cylindrical Ka-band leading to an overall structure frequency tuning range of ( ) MHz in K (slow tuning !!!) HV Tuning of the Cylindrical DLA: ~ MHz at 20 kV/cm (transverse bias). Fast tuning (!!!) from 10s ns to 100s μs ranges. HV Tuning: 85 MHz for the GHz prototype planar DLA structure at 20 kV/cm (parallel bias), 20 MHz at 20 kV/cm (transverse bias). The best solution: a combination of ”coarse” but slow temperature tuning by 100s of MHz and rapid fine tuning with high voltage dc biasing applied.