Page 1 ECF User Group Update – March 09 InitiativeStatusActivity ProgressOutlook / Issues Usability & Functionality Sponsor: Gary Bass (LMA) PM: Steve Flood (Lloyds) ECF R8 a.b.cSee IMR enhancements and ECF2 sections below. IMR Enhancements Sponsor: Simon Cooper (AAC) PM: Pat Talbot (IUA) IMR Security Models IMR Upgrade IMR Security Model (improved ACL functionality) has now been approved by the MRG. Plans for implementation in November 09 are being developed Project group set-up (IMR Implementation Group). Project Initiation Document drafted by Xchanging. Project group set-up (IMR Implementation Group).MAT set to commence on 5 th May Green
Market Reform Progress ECF User Group Update – March 09 InitiativeStatusActivity ProgressOutlook / Issues ECF 2 (Subject to approval) Sponsor: TBC PM: Gary Bass (LMA) Document File Viewer (Peter Taylor) Claims Database Project (Peter Taylor) Work flow (Peter Taylor) Software to display a single composite document from IMR documents and CLASS advices for use by claim negotiators instead of opening each document separately. Project in design phase with pilot in XIS and shortly in XCS. Technical design progressing with a view to using the market repository. Design phase due to complete end April. Software due to be tested in July and live in mid-August. New Data Warehouse for Xchanging claims data to deliver claim service performance information (like ECF1-5), claims reconciliation data, and XCS additional data (an XML extract, example of many that could be done). Project has completed its major design phase, but a further review of a "Business Objects" prototype needed at the end of April. Technical design and testing of data extracts well advanced. Data Warehouse due to be available in production in mid- July for data testing between mid-July and end September. The end of September is the major checkpoint for further work. The Claims Workflow Triggers system advising underwriters (and brokers) or all actions tables related to a claim advice built and market testing underway. Then Claims Workflow Service built and due for testing once Claim Workflow Triggers tested. The negotiation with Pega has been successfully concluded. Green
Market Reform Progress Amber Green ECF User Group Update – March 09 InitiativeStatusActivity ProgressOutlook / Issues Legacy Sponsor: Simon Cooper (AAC) PM: Gary Bass (LMA) William Armitage (QBE) Partnership Steering Group Enhanced Review Process – next steps Legacy procedures, Lloyds and companies SP&P, market communication and partnership registration process all complete and circulated by associations. Work regarding ongoing reporting and monitoring now in progress. Meetings with brokers to continue to discuss options for loading complex legacy claims. Further development dependant on outcome of Document File Viewer project. Out of scope claims Sponsor: Gary Bass (LMA) PM: Steve Flood (Lloyds) Binders (Multi OSNDs) Non cash settlements Scheme Canada Proportional treaty Class of business issue (sweep up of all the out of scope or in-scope but with issue blocking use). Project Initiative document complete. Solution document prepared. Development of prototype approved by AAC. Proposed for release 8 implementation Review Q4 09 Review Q1 09 Amber Green
Market Reform Progress ECF User Group Update – March 09 InitiativeStatusActivity ProgressOutlook / Issues Governance Sponsor: Gary Bass (LMA) PM: Steve Flood (Lloyds) Review Terms of Reference Review ECFUG Membership Consider Governance Final terms of reference will be approved at the next ECFUG on 29 April. Complete and included in new terms of reference. Complete and in new terms of reference. Governance review complete. Training Sponsor: Steve Potts (Willis) PM: Charlotte Warr (XCS) Put in place competitive ECF training plan Ongoing training initiatives 1 st draft of project initiative document complete and meeting planned Legacy training sessions and town halls organised for early May. Service Standards Sponsor: Gary Bass (LMA) PM: Ian Mallery (Marlborough) Consider if ECF is currently robust enough to introduce agreed and appropriate Service standards. Draft report and recommendations for review by ECFUG delayed due to related work in other projects. Anticipated delivery May 09 post April MRG meeting. Green Amber Green
ECF User Group Update – March 09 InitiativeStatusActivity ProgressOutlook / Issues Best Practice Sponsor: Richard Woodhams (Faraday) Sponsor: Laura Bramble (Catlin) PM: Jordan Quick (Lloyds) Time and motion study (led by Tim Lovick/Susan York) XIS Service desk (led by Susan York) Excess layer precautionary notification project (led by Jonathan Webster) Lloyds static claims (led by Will Armitage) Use of query/return (led by Rich Woodhams) Definition of objectives, approach and requirements complete. Two workstreams targeted – end to end transaction times in London and a comparison between electronic and paper files. Appropriate seconded resource identified. MAs now being approached. Focus group in place. Appropriate seconded resource identified. Issues being identified and research conducted. Focus group in place and recommendation tabled. Draft paper circulated to focus group and interested parties for comment, with a view to a presentation to BP in May 09 Review underway. Green
Market Reform Progress ECF User Group Update – March 09 InitiativeStatusActivity ProgressOutlook / Issues Communication Sponsor: Richard Woodhams (Faraday) Sponsor: Laura Bramble (Catlin) PM: Chris Croft (MRO) Devise communication strategy Ongoing communication initiatives Planned activities in January – work already begun e.g. ad-hoc Dec 17 th market meeting. Plan to be developed. 1. All minutes / agendas / papers and action points of ECF UG and BP posted on MRO site and associations sites {LMA, IUA and LIIBA} for last 6 months 2. MRO website regularly updated and improved 3. Published a clear and concise business plan and produce regular monthly updates which are circulated widely. 4. Regular reports, both written and verbal, to MRG, MRO, AAC, FPD, BECC, LMA CC and LMCSG etc 5. Enhanced Best Practise group with now extensive market reach 6. Presentations to numerous market sector groups including Binders, Reinsurance, Aviation, Livestock/Bloodstock and the market IT forum. 7. Presentations to MRO Forum, Lloyds heads of claims meeting, LMA Claims matters etc 9. ECF update on business plan progress planned for June 09 Green