Robotically Actuated Prevention/Intervention Device Full of Innovative and Responsible Engineering Preliminary Design Review January 26, 2010 Riley Pack Eric Pahlke Kelly Shuster Greg Stahl RAPID FIRE
MISSION STATEMENT The RAPID FIRE system will be able to recognize moving targets in a room, choose the optimal target, and track it. Optimal Targets
PROJECT OBJECTIVES Recognize one or more moving targets using digital cameras. Choose the optimal target, track its movement, and fire a projectile (foam dart or disk) at it. Be capable of fully autonomous operation. Have a user interface that allows for control of modes, manual turret control, and image viewing. Operate off of AC wall power.
BLOCK DIAGRAM Power DSP Control Processor Touchscreen Motors/ Mechanical Camera Board(s) with FIFO I/O Processor Digital Connection Analog Connection Power Connection
CAMERA(S) Power DSP Control Processor Touchscreen Motors/ Mechanical Camera Board(s) with FIFO I/O Processor Digital Connection Analog Connection Power Connection
CAMERA(S) Used to detect the state of the system’s surroundings Resolution: QVGA (320 x 240) Monochrome Goal: VGA (640 x 480) Color Minimum 15 Frames Per Second (FPS) Goal: 30 FPS Parallel Interface to DSP 60 Degree Azimuth Field of View (FOV) and 45 Degree Elevation FOV Goal: 360 Degree Azimuth and 90 Degree Elevation
CAMERA(S) Camera to DSP Interface Primary Solution Write camera data to hardware FIFO using glue logic Alternative Solution Use small microcontroller to act as an intermediary between camera and DSP Connect camera to microcontroller with 8-bit parallel data interface, clock, and sync signals Write camera data from microcontroller to a dual-port hardware FIFO Read camera data from FIFO onto DSP Process and find/track target
CAMERA(S) Camera FIFO FIFO to USB Converter 8-bit Parallel Data Glue Logic DCLK VD HD Enable And Write Strobes Debug to PC SDA SCL uC/DSP 8-bit Parallel Data to DSP
CAMERA(S) Tentative Camera Selection Toshiba TCM8230MD from Sparkfun Specifications 15 or 30 FPS VGA or QVGA supported Digital Output (Y422 or RGB 565) Auto Gain Control, Auto White Balance product_info.php?products_id=8667
POWER Power DSP Control Processor Touchscreen Motors/ Mechanical Camera Board(s) with FIFO I/O Processor Digital Connection Analog Connection Power Connection
POWER Powered from 120VAC wall outlet. Use a COTS AC Adapter DC-DC converters used to power motors and less sensitive components Linear regulators used to power the DSP and other sensitive components All connections to the DSP isolated (power and data) to protect the DSP Motor power zone isolated to protect the digital components
POWER Power Rails 12V (Motors) 5V (Optical Encoder) 3.3V (Primary I/O Voltage) 2.8V (Camera I/O) 1.8V (AVR32 Core) 1.5V (Camera Sensor) 1.2V (DSP Core)
DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR Power DSP Control Processor Touchscreen Motors/ Mechanical Camera Board(s) with FIFO I/O Processor Digital Connection Analog Connection Power Connection
DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR Processes images from CMOS cameras to detect and track moving targets Subtraction for motion detection Blob detection algorithms to find targets OpenCV cvBlobsLib Open Source Computer Vision Library Communicates with the I/O and motor control processors
DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSOR Tentative DSP Selection TI TMS320C6410 Specifications 400 MHz, up to 3200 MIPS 8 Parallel Execution Engines 6 ALUs and 2 Multipliers Hardware Memory Interface 2 Hardware I2C Controllers Driver Library Available from TI 0c6410.pdf
HOST PROCESSORS Power DSP Control Processor Touchscreen Motors/ Mechanical Camera Board(s) with FIFO I/O Processor Digital Connection Analog Connection Power Connection
HOST PROCESSORS Two microcontrollers to interface the DSP to the motors and the touchscreen Motor Controller Receive desired pointing position from DSP and control motors Read output of optical encoder for feedback Touchscreen Controller Receive images from DSP and send to touchscreen Receive and handle user input from touchscreen
HOST PROCESSORS Design Considerations Use the same microcontroller part to maximize code reuse Two microcontrollers allows for physical separation and easier task sharing
HOST PROCESSORS Tentative Processor Selection Atmel AT32UC3A1256 Specifications 91 DMIPS at 66 MHz 7 Channel PWM Controller SPI, I2C, USART, other Hardware I/O Support Driver Library Supplied by Atmel
MOTORS/MECHANICAL Power DSP Control Processor Touchscreen Motors/ Mechanical Camera Board(s) with FIFO I/O Processor Digital Connection Analog Connection Power Connection
MOTORS/MECHANICAL Two rotating platforms will be created One platform for azimuth, one for elevation Rotation achieved using turntables (Lazy Susan) DC motors used to rotate platforms Controlled with H-Bridge with PWM control Protection for deactivation feedback voltage from motor inductance Digital optical encoder used for position detection
Tentative Turntable Selection McMaster 6031K16 Specifications 200 lb Load Capacity 3 in. x 3 in. Size Galvanized Steel 6/=5g021i
MOTORS/MECHANICAL Tentative Motor Selection Robot MarketPlace ML-50 Specifications 120 RPM 730 mA Nominal Current 3.3 A Stall Current 320 oz-in Stall Torque oducts/ML-50.html
MOTORS/MECHANICAL Tentative Encoder Selection Avago AEDB-9140-F12 Specifications Optical Encoder 256 Cycles/Revolution 1024 Signal Changes/Revolution Fits Motor Shaft ocs/AV EN
CONTROL PROCESSOR/MECHANICAL INTERFACE DSP H-Bridge Motor Mechanical Interface Encoder Relative Angular Position Changes Current SDA SCL uC PWM Output x2
DIVISION OF LABOR TaskRiley PackEric PahlkeKelly ShusterGreg Stahl Camera BoardSPSS DSP Board Hardware SPSS DSP SoftwarePSS Motor ControlSPS MechanicalSP PowerPS LCD ControlSP TouchscreenPS User InterfacePSSP P = PrimaryS = Secondary
RISKS Camera Risks Unable to interface with chosen camera Solutions Use manual control of the platform Mechanical Risks Inexperience in mechanical design Manufacturing rotating platform Solutions Consulting with experts or scale back movement
RISKS DSP Risks DSP calculation ability DSP layout mistakes DSP board failure Solutions Scale back the amount of processing (less pictures) Cry, make the best of the situation, look for more funding Interface to computer and use processing on desktop
RISKS Control System Risks Unstable control system Solutions Create an extremely over damped system System Integration Risks Subsystems do not work together Solutions Integrate as often as possible
EXPENSES Sub-SectionComponentQuantityUnit CostPredicted CostBulk CostProduction Cost Processing DSP1$26.00 $17.25 Host Processor2$9.68$19.36$5.52$11.04 SDRAM1$9.24 $5.89 DSP Board1$ $30.00 Control Board2$33.00$66.00$10.00$20.00 I/O Board2$33.00$66.00$10.00$20.00 Mechanical Motors2$26.95$53.90$10.00$20.00 Optical Encoder2$23.80$47.60$18.00$36.00 Turn Table2$1.98$3.96$1.00$2.00 Raw Materials1$ $15.00 Cameras Sparkfun CMOS Camera8$9.95$79.60$6.00$48.00 Hardware FIFO10$1.50$15.00$10.00$ FTDI FIFO to USB8$6.50$52.00$3.70$29.60 Miscellaneous 1$ $30.00 Total $819.66$384.78
OTHER CONSIDERATIONS Cost of the system would decrease if manufactured in large numbers May change the environment that it is placed in Mice may be chased away Sustainable design Parts are not specialized, easily replaced if specific part becomes obsolete Platform is safe All voltages are low (<20V) Motors are not extremely powerful Makes everyone’s life more fun