“Physiological properties of the heart. Heart as a pump ”
Contents: 1. Morphological and functional properties of the heart 2. Automatism 3. Excitability 4. Conductibility 5. Contractility 6. Pump work of the heart 7. Heart sounds 8. Echocardiography
Active potential of contractive heart cells
Phases of active potential 0 – depolarization 0 – depolarization 1 – beginning rapid repolarization 1 – beginning rapid repolarization 2 – slowly repolarization or plateau 2 – slowly repolarization or plateau 3 – ending rapid repolarization 3 – ending rapid repolarization 4 – rest period. 4 – rest period.
4 – absolute refractivity; 4 – absolute refractivity; 5 – relative refractivity; 6 – period of increase excatability; 6 – period of increase excatability; 7 - exaltation 7 - exaltation Active potential, contraction, excitability of heart cells Active potential, contraction, excitability of heart cells
2 – SA node; 3 – Bachman tract; 4 – tracts of Bachman, Venkebach, Torel 6 – AV node 7 – Hiss bungle 8 – right leg of Hiss bungle 9 – anterior brunch of left leg of Hiss bungle 10 – posterior brunch of left leg of Hiss bungle 11 - Kent bungle 12 – Jams bungle 13 - Meacham bungle Conductive system of heart Conductive system of heart
Cardiac cycle Systole 1. period of tension 1. period of tension asynchrony contraction asynchrony contraction isometric contraction isometric contraction (all valves are closed) (all valves are closed) 2. period of ejection 2. period of ejection protosphigmic interval (opening of semilunear valves) protosphigmic interval (opening of semilunear valves) fast ejection fast ejection slow ejection slow ejection
Cardiac cycle Diastole 1. Period of relaxation 1. Period of relaxation protodiastolic interval (closing of semilunear valves) protodiastolic interval (closing of semilunear valves) phase of isometric relaxation (opening of AV-valves is end of this phase) phase of isometric relaxation (opening of AV-valves is end of this phase) 2. Period of filling 2. Period of filling phase of rapid filling phase of rapid filling phase of slow filling phase of slow filling phase of filling by help of atrium systole phase of filling by help of atrium systole
Heart sounds. Components I tone. 1. Valve component (AV valves). I tone. 1. Valve component (AV valves). 2. Muscle component. 2. Muscle component. 3. Vessels component (opening of semilunear valves) 3. Vessels component (opening of semilunear valves) 4. Atrium component. 4. Atrium component. II tone. 1. Valve component (closing of semilunear valves) II tone. 1. Valve component (closing of semilunear valves) 2. Vessels component. 2. Vessels component.
Echocardiography 1. M-measure 1. M-measure 2. D-measure 2. D-measure 3. Doppler 3. Doppler 4. Contrasing 4. Contrasing
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