2 nd ½ of the Revolutionary War Battles Armies Saratoga Militia Yorktown Continental Vincennes Ty Kirkpatrick A-3
Battle of Saratoga Who was involved? It was the British and the Germans against the Americans, with John Burgoyne on the British and Benedict Arnold on the German. What occurred? The Americas forced the Surrender against Burgoyne. What was the impact? The Americans won the Battle. Where was it? It was held on Saratoga by the Hudson River in New York.
Battle of Yorktown Who was involved? The Americans and French against the British. What occurred? Washington brought the Continental Army down and out the town under siege. What was the impact? The Americans and the French won the Battle. Where was it? It was fought in Virginia around Winter Quarter.
Continental Army The Continental Army fought in many wars, they eventually became the United States army. The thirteen colonies had no organized military so the Continental Army came into place. There were never a lot of soldiers in the Continental Army because no men would join them because they were with the Militiamen, where they could serve for shorter periods and closer to their homes and in the company of friends and neighbors.
The Militiamen The Militiamen fought in the Revolutionary war for independence and freedom. Most people didn’t understand the role of the Militiamen and there part in the Revolutionary war. The Militiamen was in the eighteenth-century and some people just recognized them as the National Guard that we have today but the Militiamen are surprisingly more trained then the National Guard.
Guerilla Warfare in the south Guerilla warfare as it refers to the American Revolution stands in contrasts to the traditional type of fighting usually practiced by the British, who fought face-to-face in an open field in European style called “linear tactics”. Two armies would face one another at less than a hundred yards in fights, formations, three ranks deep, firing volley after volley. As they shot, they moved closer together, often closing the fight with a bayonet chargers as on force drove the other from the field.
Treaty of Paris Under the terms of the treaty British recognized the independent nation of the United States of America. The treaty also set new boarders for the United States including all land from the Great Lakes on the north to Florida on the south and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River. The United States agreed to allow British troops still in America to leave. America agreed to pay all existing debts owned to Britain. They also agreed not to persecute Loyalist in America an allow those that left America to return.
Battle of Vincennes Who was involved? British and the Americans. What occurred? The Americans made the British surrender. What was the impact? The Americans won. Where was it? Appalachian Mountains.