Mental Disorders Made by: Owen McLaughlin Colton Armstrong
Schizophrenia Affects approx. 1% of the United States. Symptoms of schizophrenia may include delusions, hallucinations, catatonia, negative symptoms, and disorganized speech or behavior. Children as young as 6 can be diagnosed with schizophrenia. People with schizophrenia are at increased risk of having a number of other mental-health conditions, committing suicide, and otherwise dying earlier than people without this disorder.
OCD An anxiety disorder in which the patient has recurring thought that are unwanted that drive them to do things. OCD is one of the more common mental disorders. People usually show signs of OCD at or before the age of 30. OCD can be treated with medicine and therapy. People with OCD have to have things one way all the time.
ADHD ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It can affect 3-5% of children in schools. Some symptoms are depression, lack of sleep, and tics. ADHD can be cured with a number of medicines and therapy.
Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder affects people usually around the ages of Bipolar disorder has three phases you go through. The three phases are: The Manic Phase, The Depressed Phase, and The Mixed Phase.
Bipolar Disorder The Manic phase can last days to months and can include a few symptoms such as: easily distracted, little needed sleep, bad judgment, lack of self control, drug abuse, binge eating, multiple partner sex, and spending sprees. You can also be very active, and very easily upset.
Bipolar Disorder The second phase is the depressed stage has many symptoms such as: easily saddened, bad appetite, overeating, lack of energy, always feeling guilty, low self esteem, thoughts of suicide, trouble sleeping, and less active in events you used to like.
Bipolar Disorder The third and final stage of bipolar is the mixed phase which is when the depressed and manic phases overlap and this can be the worst phase. There is a high chance of suicide when they are in the manic phase. They abuse drugs and alcohol if it is available.
PTSD PTSD stands for Post traumatic stress disorder. It is most often caused by a major accident such as a loss of life due to fire or car accident. Many people can get it without them knowing they even have it. To get it, it doesn’t even have to be a loss of life, it can be caused by almost any traumatic event that happens everyday.
Phobias There is a phobia on about everything you can think of, no matter how silly they seem they are real problems to the people that have them. There is a fear of things of all sizes shapes, lengths, widths, things we see everyday, things we rarely ever see, and even things that we can’t see.
Phobias These are a few of the phobias in the world. Mephobia- the fear of becoming so awesome that the human race can not handle it and everyone dies. Ailurophobia- the fear of kittens. Phobophobia- the fear of phobias. All these are real fears.
Downs Syndrome Downs Syndrome is said to Affect 691 babies per year. It is a chromosomal disorder. The average IQ of a kid with Downs syndrome is about 50, Whereas a normal kid is about 100.
Downs Syndrome Most children with downs syndrome still live average lives such as graduating high school and college and working for a pay. Downs Syndrome is named after Jean Etienne Downs, who studied the syndrome. Downs is also knows as Trisomy 21.
Alzheimer's Alzheimer's is a form of dementia that gets worse over time. You are more common to get Alzheimer's if you are: older, have a close family member with Alzheimer’s, are female, have a history of head injuries.
Alzheimer’s Some people mistake things such as Anemia, Brain Tumors, Chronic infection, Severe depression, strokes, and thyroid disease for Alzheimer’s. There is medicine that can slow down the rate at which Alzheimer’s affects you, but not completely destroy it. d
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