Yr 8 Respiration
A:B: fertilisationthe trash £100 All cells carry out….? C:D: multiplicationrespiration
Unlucky!Unlucky! That’s incorrect
A:B: musclessauce £200 What is between each of your ribs? C:D: lungsfries
SorrySorry That’s incorrect …
A:B: Trachea diameter £300 What is the name of the sheet of muscle underneath the lungs? C:D: diaphragmbronchus
Oh dear! That’s incorrect …
A:B: alveolicilia £500 The air sacs in our lungs are made of tiny pockets called…. C:D: sacletsBrian
SorrySorry That’s incorrect …
A:B: white blood cellsbeing dissolved in the plasma £1,000 Oxygen is carried around you body by……? C:D: Little people red blood cells
Well done!
Unlucky!Unlucky! You should have thought of your experime nts!
A:B: veinsvessels £2,000 The general name for the tubes that blood flows through is…….? C:D: capillariesarteries `
Oh no! That’s incorrect !…
A:B: Manchester UtdLiverpool £4,000 Who won the champions league in 1979 and 1980? C:D: Real MadridNottingham Forest
Very good! Everyone knows that Nottingham is the home of good football
IncorrectIncorrect So near and yet so far!
A:B: Left atriumRight ventricle £8,000 Deoxygenated blood enters the heart in the…..? C:D: Right atrium Left ventricle
Very good!
Sorry!Sorry! That’s incorrect …
A:B: bronchusoesophagus £16,000 Trachea is another name for the ? C:D: voiceboxwindpipe
Very good!
UnluckyUnlucky That’s incorrect …
Digestion A:B: Limewater £32,000 What chemical is used as a test for carbon dioxide? C:D: Universal indicator Digestionlitmusglucose
Unfortunately…Unfortunately… That’s incorrect !
A:B: Water and oxygenCarbon dioxide and glucose £64,000 What raw materials does the body need to make energy by respiration? C:D: Glucose and oxygenWater and carbon dioxide
Well done!
I’m sorry That’s incorrect …
A:B: 21%78% £125,000 How much oxygen is in air? C:D: 0.03%0.9%
Very good!
IncorrectIncorrect You should have got that one!
A:B: reproductionexcretion £250,000 Respiration can be compared with…? C:D: breathingcombustion
Wrong Choice! That’s incorrect …
A:B: Oxygen and glucoseWater, hydrogen and energy £500,000 What are the products of respiration? C:D: Carbon dioxide, water and energy Water, enzymes and air
Very Good!
Sorry!Sorry! That’s incorrect …
A:B: £ 1,000,000 How do plants that grow underwater get their oxygen? C:D: Diffusion Digestion inhalation respiration
UnluckyUnlucky You were nearly a millionai re! I wished I were clever like Mr Porter!
Thank you for playing! Thank you for playing! Go home and study! Go home and study!