The aesthetic experience in Virtual Worlds. L’esperienza estetica del virtuale. Tesi di Laurea di Daniela T. De Giorgi Relatore Paolo Costa Correlatore Luisa Bonesio 1 Universit à degli Studi di Pavia
Summary Virtual VS Real From Virtual to Hyperreal Media Art New Media Art Net Art or Internet Art Net.Art & Art Hacktivism Art as a medium between body and technology Metaverse worlds Metaverse Art Machinima Mixed Reality 2
Real (VS Imaginary) VS Virtual REAL concerns the material dimension of objects. IMAGINARY differs from Virtual because it just represents something. VIRTUAL can be considered as «another experience of the real». It’s like a simulation of it. 3 Realization: a medium mediates the connection between body and virtual environment. LESS AUTONOMY of the users INTERACTIVY
From Virtual to Hyperreal JEAN BAUDRILLARD We’re living in a Hyper reality. There’s no way to distinguish objects from their representations. They become “simulacra” that finally become the “true”. Things disappear and are substituted by their own representations. JUNJI TSUCHIYA He reflects on hybridation between physical reality and virtual reality into the whole critical context to the post humanism thought. The research points out many sociological problems connected to the post modern science condition and the even more changeable borders of the ontological definition of “human”. 4
Interface technology Wii Remote 5 From Virtual to Hyperreal
Media Art “Feel” the world through the media 6
New Media Art It includes a very large and multiform variety of arts that have as main feature the usage of new technologies. These new technologies are used in many different ways. The term is mainly connect to DIGITAL ART Comprehensive term for any manifestation of the arts, where a computer has been used to create said art. Subcategories of the Digital Art are: Net or Internet Art, Software Art, Network Installations, Video Art, Web Art, Performance Art and Art Hacktivism. 7
Net Art or Internet Art Net Art is one of the most unconventional fields of digital art. It encompasses art works which are solely found on the internet or are exclusively made for it. 8
Net.Art and Art Hacktivism NET.ART refers to a group of artists who worked in the medium of Internet Art from This term is also used as a synonym for Net Art or Internet Art and covers a much wider range of artistic practicies. In this wider definition means art that uses the Internet as its medium and that cannot be experienced in any other way. ART HACKTIVISM is an aspect of Net Art. In the Net Art there has always been an interface between art and hacking. During the artistic examination of the medium it is only a small step towards actually interfering with any changing of the existing structure. 9 Net.Art and Art Hacktivism
10 Net.Art and Art Hacktivism
Art as a medium between body and technology CULTURAL BACKGROUND: CYBERPUNK Movement James Graham Ballard, Crash (1973) POST HUMANISM 11
Metaverse worlds Fictional virtual world, described in Neals Stephenson’s 1992 science fiction novel Snow Crash, where humans, as avatars, interact with each other and software agents in a 3D spaces that uses the metaphore of the real world. META that means “beyond” + UNIVERSE = METAVERSE Stephenson coined this term to describe a virtual reality-based successor to the Internet. 12
Metaverse Nowadays the definition of Metaverse is even wider than yesterday. Metaverse is used to be describe as: 3D IMMERSIVE virtual world mixed together with features of the physical world, networks, interfaces, actors who build and interact with virtual environments. The outcome of four key components mixing: 13 VIRTUAL WORLDS MIRROR WORLDS AUGMENTED REALITY LIFELOGGING
Metaverse Art 14
Machinima 15
Mixed Reality 16