The Wrong Righteousness Romans 10 Chapter 9
Theme for Romans 10 is Israel’s present rejection In Romans 10 from divine sovereignty to human responsibility Reasons for their rejections (10: 1-13) John 1:11 – He came unto his own and his own receive him not. They didn’t feel the need for salvation (1) Jesus as an impostor
–Israel considered Gentiles in need of salvation not them Elder brother in Luke 15: (Prodigal son) Pharisee in Luke 18: 9-14 They were zealous for God (2) –Return from Babylonian captivity –“Improved upon God’s law & added their own traditions making them equal to the law –Paul’s experience (Acts 26:1-11; Gal 1:13-14) –Zeal based not on knowledge –“Therefore by the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified in his sight (Romans 3:20)
They were proud and self-righteous (3) –Ignorant of God’s righteousness because of refusal to learn –Ignorant from willful, stubborn resistance to the truth –Proud of their own works & self-righteous They misunderstood their own law (4- 13) –Everything about religion points to Jesus Christ –The law told them that they were sinners in need of Savoir
–Christ is the end of the law –The righteousness of the law is being fulfilled through the power of the Holy Spirit (Rom 8:4) –Purpose of the law If you obey it, live it (Lev 18:5) Obey outwardly, not from the heart Deut 30: –Theme: “this commandment” »Word of God »Christ, God’s Word »Word of the faith »Isaiah 28:16 – “Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed” (9:33, 10:9-10)
»Romans 10:13 from Joel 2:32 – For whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved Law RighteousnessGod Righteousness Only for the JewsFor “whosever” Based on worksCome by faith alone Self-righteousnessGod’s righteousness Cannot saveBrings salvation Obey the LordCall on the Lord Leads to prideGlorifies God The Remedy for Rejection (10:14-17) –To believe they must hear the Word that creates faith in the heart of the believer (10:17)
–Romans 10:15 fro Isaiah 52:7 & Nahum 1:5 Nahum dealt with Nineveh which Jonah prophesied in 50 years ago Messenger, beautiful feet In future events: return of Christ & the establishing of His own glorious appearing (Isa 52: 7-10) Present application: the messenger of the gospel taking the good news to Israel Peace by forming one body, the church (Eph 2:13-17) The remedy for Israel’s rejection: hearing the Word of the gospel and believe on Jesus –Isa 53:1 proves that not all of Israel would obey Him –Isa 53 applies to Messiah, not the nation of Israel
–John 12:37-41 verifies Trusting Christ, a matter of believing & obeying Acts 17:30 – God “commandeth all men everywhere to repent –They cannot be saved unless they call on the Lord Jesus Christ –They cannot call unless they believe –Faith comes by hearing so they must have the messenger –The messenger must go to them and he must be sent –God must call the messenger and he must be sent Four reasons church must send out missionaries –The command from above – Go to the world (Mark 16:15) –The cry from beneath – “send him to my father’s house” (Luke 16:27)
–The call from without – “come over and… help us” (Acts 16:9) –The constraint from within – “the love of God constraineth me” II Cor 5:14 The Results of Their Rejection (10:18- 21) –Israel is guilty (18) “But I say Have they not heard?” –Psalm 19:1-6: God reveals Himself in creation –Ps 19: 7-11: God reveals Himself in His Word “He that hears let him hear” (Matt 11:15, Mark 4:9) –The message goes to the Gentiles The reason: they might provoke the Jews to jealousy (Rom 10:19, 11:11)
To the Jews first (Acts 1-7) To Samaritans and Gentiles (Acts 8 and on) Council in Acts 15: both Jews and Gentiles are saved by faith and no need for Gentiles to be proselytes before becoming Christians –God still yearns over His people (21) Isa 65:2 –All day long – day of salvation or day of grace –Jesus wept over Jerusalem –Jesus died willingly for both Jews and Gentiles »2 Peter 3:9 – “not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance”