1 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Strategic programming: Cohesion policy 2014-2020.


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Presentation transcript:

1 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Strategic programming: Cohesion policy

2 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Agenda General approach to strategic programming Thematic objectives and investment priorities Common Strategic Framework Partnership Contract Principles of programming and examples of operational programmes Construction of priority axes Joint action plans Performance framework, review and reserve

3 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion General approach

4 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion The general approach Evolution of the present arrangements that already include: Community Strategic Guidelines at EU level National Strategic Reference Frameworks Operational programmes, with objectives, targets, a description of actions and indicators Possibility for a performance reserve at national level Monitoring and evaluation Aim for : alignment with EU2020 with enhanced result orientation, making the best use of tools available to ensure effectiveness

5 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

6 Thematic Objectives to Deliver Europe Strengthening research, technological development and innovation 2.Enhancing access to, and use and quality of, information and communication technologies 3.Enhancing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, the agricultural sector (for the EAFRD) and the fisheries and aquaculture sector (for the EMFF) 4.Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors 5.Promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management 6.Protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency 7.Promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures 8.Promoting employment and supporting labour mobility 9.Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty 10.Investing in education, skills and lifelong learning 11.Enhancing institutional capacity and an efficient public administration

7 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion ERDFESFCFThematic objective 1. Strengthening research, technological development and innovation 2. Enhancing access to, and use and quality of, information and communication technologies 3. Enhancing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises, the agricultural sector (for the EAFRD) and the fisheries and aquaculture sector (for the EMFF) 4. Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors 5. Promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management 6. Protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency 7. Promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures 8. Promoting employment and supporting labour mobility 9. Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty 10. Investing in education, skills and lifelong learning 11. Enhancing institutional capacity and an efficient public administration

8 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Thematic Objectives Thematic objectives constitute the basis for the Common Strategic Framework, which shall outline key actions for each thematic objective In the case of Cohesion Policy every action financed must be linked to a particular thematic objective Reporting (on financial progress, indicators etc.) can also be linked back to particular thematic objectives Technical assistance is the exception – TA is not linked to any of the thematic objectives

9 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Investment priorities Each thematic objective is translated into “investment priorities” (in Fund-specific regulations) The list of investment priorities is exhaustive Investment priorities are also objectives, not types of intervention leaving flexibility to design the optimal mix of actions

10 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Investment priorities Example  Thematic objective: Promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management  Investment priorities (ERDF): –supporting dedicated investment for adaptation to climate change –promoting investment to address specific risks, ensuring disaster resilience and developing disaster management systems

11 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Investment priorities Example  Thematic objective Investing in education, skills and life-long learning  Investment priorities (ESF): Reducing early school-leaving and promoting equal access to good quality early-childhood, primary and secondary education Improving the quality, efficiency and openness of tertiary and equivalent education with a view to increasing participation and attainment levels Enhancing access to lifelong learning, upgrading the skills and competences of the workforce and increasing the labour market relevance of education and training systems

12 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Investment priorities Example  Thematic objective: Protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency:  Investment priorities (Cohesion Fund) –addressing the significant needs for investment in the waste sector to meet the requirements of the Union's environmental acquis –addressing the significant needs for investment in the water sector to meet the requirements of the Union's environmental acquis – protecting and restoring biodiversity, including through green infrastructures –improving the urban environment, including regeneration of brownfield sites and reduction of air pollution

13 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion The structure of strategic programming

14 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion THE COMMON STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK ERDF, ESF, CF, EAFRD, EMFF THE PARTNERSHIP CONTRACT ERDF, ESF, CF, EAFRD, EMFF National or regional level Operational Programmes for ERDF Rural development programmes (EAFRD) Operational Programmes for ESF Operational Programmes for CF EU level National level Multifund Operational Programmes for ERDF, ESF, CF Operational Programmes for (EMFF)

15 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Strengthening the Strategic Approach Operational Programmes Partnership contract Common Strategic Framework

16 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Timeline November-December 2011: Communication from the Commission – Common Strategic Framework January – March 2012: Public consultation on Communication June 2012: Commission proposal for Common Strategic Framework During : Dialogue between COM and MS on Partnership contracts and operational programmes Adoption of legislative package, immediate entry into force + 3 months: COM adopts CSF by delegated act + 6 months: MS to transmit Partnership contracts and programmes (incl. ex-ante evaluations); COM to make observations within 3 months, adoption within 6 months; PC to be adopted before OPs + 9 months: ETC programmes to be submitted to COM PCs can already be adopted before 2014

17 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion The Common Strategic Framework


19 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Common Strategic Framework The added value of the CSF: Coordination starts from the top – common framework replaces sectoral Community Strategic Guidelines Facilitates coordination with other EU funding instruments e.g. Horizon 2020, Life+ etc. Provides an understanding of the key actions required to achieve EU2020 objectives and maps the contribution of each of the CSF Funds in this regard: strategic guidance for planning at national and regional level Establishes priority areas for cooperation activities (for all CSF Funds, not only ETC) Ensures better coherence and consistency with the National Reform Programmes

20 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Common Strategic Framework The Common Strategic Framework shall establish: –for each thematic objective, the key actions to be supported by each CSF Fund; –the key territorial challenges for urban, rural, coastal and fisheries areas, as well as for areas with particular territorial features referred to in Articles 174 and 349 of the Treaty, to be addressed by the CSF Funds; – horizontal principles and policy objectives for the implementation of the CSF Funds; –priority areas for cooperation activities for each of the CSF Funds, where appropriate, taking account of macro-regional and sea basin strategies; – coordination mechanisms among the CSF Funds, and with other relevant Union policies and instruments, including external instruments for cooperation; – mechanisms for ensuring the coherence and consistency of the programming of the CSF Funds with the country-specific recommendations under Article 121(2) of the Treaty and the relevant Council recommendations adopted under 148(4) of the Treaty.

21 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Adoption and review Commission will prepare a communication on the CSF towards the end of this will be followed by a public consultation in 2012 (indicative timing: January-March) The results of this public consultation, along with a proposal for the CSF by the Commission should be available by mid The aim of this exercise is to provide strategic direction for planning in due time, as formal adoption can only take place after the adoption of the CPR CSF shall be officially adopted by the Commission within 3 months of the adoption of the CPR CSF can be reviewed and revised, if there are major changes to the Union strategy of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth If this takes place, MS should review their PCs and operational programmes to establish whether they are still consistent with the CSF and whether changes are needed Where necessary, MS should submit proposals for amendment of the PC and the operational programmes

22 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion The Partnership Contract

23 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Partnership Contract Prepared at national level with close involvement of partners Agreed between the Commission and Member State, includes: –The contribution of the CSF Funds towards the achievement of thematic objectives, translating Europe 2020 priorities in a national and/or regional context –Summary of the main results expected –The main priority areas for cooperation –An integrated approach for territorial development supported by the CSF Funds –Arrangements for effective implementation: involvement of partners, ex-ante conditionalities, performance framework, additionality –Arrangements for efficient implementation: administrative capacity, administrative burden reduction

24 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Partnership Contract Added value of the Partnership Contract –Coordination between CSF Funds at national level –Framework for thematic concentration –Demonstrating overall contribution to EU 2020 –A coherent approach to territorial development at Member State level –Framework for all cooperation activities –Overview of all commitments taken at regional and national level

25 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Partnership Contract The institutional and constitutional arrangements of each Member States shall be respected Three possible processes for ensuring coherence between EU, national and regional objectives: 1)Centralised arrangements: PC as the strategic basis for the preparation of operational programmes (top down process) 2)Mixed arrangements: iterative process between strategic development and the preparation of operational programmes (parallel process) 3)Federal arrangements: PC is built on commitments taken under regional and national operational programmes (bottom-up process)

26 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Adoption and amendment of the partnership contract The Commission shall assess the consistency of the Partnership Contract with the CPR, with the Common Strategic Framework, and the country-specific recommendations under Article 121(2) of the Treaty and the Council recommendations adopted under 148(4) of the Treaty, taking account of the ex ante evaluations of the programmes The Commission shall adopt a decision approving the Partnership Contract within 6 months of its submission If the Common Strategic Framework is revised, the Member States shall propose amendments, where necessary, to their Partnership Contract and programmes to ensure their consistency with the revised Common Strategic Framework

27 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Operational programmes

28 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Reinforcing Integrated Programming Integrated programme approach –The Common Strategic Framework at EU level and the Partnership Contract at national level covering all the CSF Funds –Possibility for Member States to prepare and implement multifund programmes combining ERDF, ESF and the Cohesion Fund –Possibility for Member States to establish "multi- category" operational programmes which cover less developed, transition, and more developed regions or any combination of these. ETC programmes are financed only from ERDF

29 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Provisions in the regulation Common provisions for CSF Funds on preparation, adoption and amendment, as well as on the shared elements of the content Specific provisions on the content of operational programmes under cohesion policy: –Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth –Description of priority axes incl. specific objectives, actions to be financed, indicators, categories of intervention. –Contribution to territorial development –Arrangements to ensure effective implementation –Financing plan –Implementing provisions –Specific actions (related to horizontal principles) Operational programmes submitted shall be accompanied by the ex-ante evaluation

30 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Principles of programming Operational programmes will constitute the main management and monitoring unit under cohesion policy Member States will have the flexibility to choose the appropriate level of programming. As a general rule, operational programmes under ERDF and ESF should drawn up at the appropriate geographical level and at least at NUTS level 2, in accordance with the institutional system specific to the Member State. Operational programmes can be established both at regional and at national level. Where appropriate, the Member State may reach an agreement with the Commission to prepare operational programmes covering smaller regions than NUTS 2. Operational programmes with support from the Cohesion Fund shall be drawn up at national level.

31 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Adoption and amendment of operational programmes The Commission shall assess the consistency of programmes with this Regulation, the Fund-specific rules, their effective contribution to the thematic objectives and the Union priorities specific to each CSF Fund, the Common Strategic Framework, the Partnership Contract, the country- specific recommendations under Article 121(2) of the Treaty and the Council recommendations adopted under 148(4) of the Treaty, taking account of the ex ante evaluation. The Commission shall adopt a decision approving the operational programmes within 6 months of its submission Any amendment to an operational programme shall be duly substantiated and shall set out the expected impact of the amendment. Where necessary the Commission will amend the Partnership Contract at the same time with the amendment of the operational programme

32 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Inside the operational programme

33 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion OP Priority axis Categories of intervention Thematic objectives Specific objectives corresponding to investment priorities Actions EU 2020 headline targets, GDP, employment rate Result indicators Output indicators REGULATORY STRUCTURE OBJECTIVES INDICATORS Programming logic

34 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Flexibility Fixed Flexible List of thematic objectives  Choice of thematic objectives List of investment priorities  Choice and combination of investment priorities  Definition of specific objectives based on national and regional needs Thematic concentration  Choice of actions and intervention categories List of categories of intervention  Definition of actions needed to achieve specific objectives, target groups etc.  Choice of categories of intervention List of common indicators  Choice and definition of programme specific indicators Framework for the set-up of OPs  Choice between :  national and regional level  mono-fund and multi-fund OPs  sectoral and multi-sectoral OPs  Choice of tools – local development, ITIs, JAPs etc.

35 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Structure of operational programmes The main unit for management and reporting within an operational programme shall continue to be a priority axis: –financial tables within operational programmes shall reflect the budget at the level of the priority axis –co-financing rate shall be applied to the priority axis The definition of priority axis will however be more standardised than is the case in

36 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Structure of priority axes Each priority axis must correspond to only one thematic objective defined in Article 9 of CPR. A priority axis must correspond to one or more investment priorities defined in the Fund specific regulations falling under the same thematic objective. Therefore it is possible that there will be several priority axes contributing to one thematic objective. Priority axes are mono – fund, even where operational programmes are multi-fund As a general rule not be possible to combine investment priorities under different thematic objectives into a single axis (exception for ESF) The design of priority axes should be proportionate to the amount of funding available

37 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Thematic objective 1 Thematic objective 2 Investment priority 1 Investment priority 2 Investment priority 1 Investment priority 2 Priority axis 1 Priority axis 2 Priority axis 3

38 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Thematic objective 1 Thematic objective 2 Investment priority 1 Investment priority 2 Investment priority 1 Investment priority 2 Priority axis 1

39 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Less developed region:OP for environment

40 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Thematic objective 1: supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors Thematic objective 2: protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency IP:Promoting the production and distribution of renewable energy sources. IP: Supporting energy efficiency and renewable energy use in public infrastructures and in the housing sector IP: Addressing the significant needs for investment in the waste sector to meet the requirements of the environmental acquis. IP: Action to improve the urban environment, including regeneration of brownfield sites and reduction of air pollution. Priority axis 1 Priority axis 2 Priority axis 3 Priority axis 4

41 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion ESF operational programme

42 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Thematic objective 2: Investing in education, skills and life-long learning Thematic objective 3: Promoting employment and supporting labour mobility IP : Enhancing access to lifelong learning, upgrading the skills and competences of the workforce and increasing the labour market relevance of education and training systems IP: Improving the quality, efficiency and openness of tertiary and equivalent education with a view to increasing participation and attainment levels IP: Self-employment, entrepreneurship and business creation IP: Modernisation and strengthening of labour market institutions, including actions to enhance transnational labour mobility Priority axis 2 Priority axis 1 Thematic objective 1: Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty through: IP: Active inclusion IP: Enhancing access to affordable, sustainable and high-quality services, including health care and social services of general interest Priority axis 3

43 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion More developed regions – national operational programme

44 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Thematic objective 1: Strengthening research, technological development and innovation: Thematic objective 2: enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs: IP:enhancing research and innovation infrastructure (R&I) and capacities to develop R&I excellence and promoting centres of competence, in particular those of European interest IP: promoting business R&I investment, product and service development, technology transfer, social innovation and public service applications, demand stimulation, networking, clusters and open innovation through smart specialisation IP: promoting entrepreneurship, in particular by facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas and fostering the creation of new firms IP: developing new business models for SMEs, in particular for internationalisation Priority axis 1 Priority axis 2 Thematic objective 3: supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors: IP:Promoting the production and distribution of renewable energy sources. IP: Supporting energy efficiency and renewable energy use in public infrastructures and in the housing sector Priority axis 3

45 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Multi-fund and multi-category programmes  Where the option of multi-fund or multi-category programming is used, separate priority axes must in addition be established for ERDF, ESF and Cohesion Fund, as well as for different categories of regions. For the ESF, a priority axis may combine investment priorities from different thematic objectives set out in Article 9(8), (9), (10) and (11) in order to facilitate their contribution to other priority axes, in duly justified circumstances.

46 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Multi-fund operational programme for supporting the shift to low carbon economy

47 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Thematic objective 2: Investing in education, skills and life-long learning Thematic objective 3: Promoting employment and supporting labour mobility IP: Enhancing access to lifelong learning, upgrading the skills and competences of the workforce and increasing the labour market relevance of education and training systems IP: Improving the quality, efficiency and openness of tertiary and equivalent education with a view to increasing participation and attainment levels IP: Self-employment, entrepreneurship and business creation IP: Modernisation and strengthening of labour market institutions, including actions to enhance transnational labour mobility Priority axis 2 (ESF) Priority axis 1 (ERDF) Thematic objective 1: Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors IP:Promoting the production and distribution of renewable energy sources IP: Supporting energy efficiency and renewable energy use in public infrastructures and in the housing sector Priority axis 3 (ESF)

48 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Inside the priority axis

49 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Getting to a priority axis 1.Choice of thematic objectives 2.Selection of investment priorities, definition of specific objectives and results 3.Analysis of the fulfilment of ex-ante conditionalities 4.Construction of the priority axis with all the required elements 5.Definition of the financial allocation 6.Definition and quantification of the indicators 7.Check of thematic concentration (through the PC)

50 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Result indicators Specific objectives what the MS wants to achieve, taking into account national and regional needs and potentials Investment priorities Description of actions needed to achieve the specific objectives Output Indicators Categories of intervention

51 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Reduction of travel time Specific objective: Enhancing mobility between small towns and big cities and towards international border crossing points Investment priority Enhancing regional mobility through connecting secondary and tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure Description of actions needed Enhancing the capacity of roads A and B Building multi-level intersections in areas x and y Connecting railway track A to track B Km of road upgraded Km of new railway line + No of intersections constructed Categories of intervention Railways (TEN-T comprehensive) Secondary road links to TEN-T road network and nodes Other national and regional roads

52 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Categories of intervention Will be approved by implementing acts Many categories are implicitly linked to a thematic objective (e.g. railways are linked to transport) However there is no one to one link, e.g.: Housing – linked to energy efficiency Housing – linked to social inclusion OP will need to contain a list of categories (priority theme) per priority axis

53 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Performance framework, review and reserve

54 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Performance framework Focuses on the achievement of programme objectives Sets out milestones and targets for performance of programme priorities for 2016, 2018 and 2022 Milestones established for 2016 shall include financial indicators and output indicators Milestones established for 2018 shall include financial indicators, output indicators and where appropriate, result indicators Milestones may also be established for key implementation steps

55 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Performance review The performance framework shall constitute the basis for the performance review in 2017 and 2019 and the disbursement of the performance reserve Information for the performance review is drawn from the progress reports Member States are expected to react to significant shortfalls in the achievement of milestones (measures to improve performance, reprogramming) In the absence of sufficient action, Commission can suspend payments Significant failure to achieve the targets set for 2022 in the performance framework can lead to a financial correction at the end of the programming period

56 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Performance reserve A performance reserve of 5% is set aside at the beginning of the programming period (exception for ETC) The performance reserve is established per CSF Fund, per Member State and per category of region The 5% reserve is allocated to each Member State following the performance review in 2019 Allocation can only be used for priority axes where performance has been satisfactory (milestones have been achieved) – based on Member State proposal

57 European Union Regional Policy – Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Priority axis Indicator and measurement unit, where appropriate Milestones for 2016 Milestones for 2018 Target for 2022 Enhancing R&I infrastructure and capacities to develop R&I excellence and promoting centres of competence Expenditure (EUR million) Size of developed infrastructure completed (m2) Researchers employed in enhanced infrastructure 100 Promoting entrepreneurship, in particular by facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas and fostering the creation of new firms Expenditure (EUR million)3922 Number of New Enterprises supported Gross jobs created in assisted SMEs Developing comprehensive high quality and interoperable railway system Expenditure (EUR million) Feasibility studies completed and contracts for construction concluded Yes Length of rail completed (km)