Feminist Cyborgs: Activism, Fundraising and Security Online Jan Moolman, Association for Progressive Communications, Women’s Rights Programme: 3 December 2012
What is the issue? the internet and ICTs provide critical spaces and opportunities to exercise freedoms, claim rights, perform identities, take action, connect, show solidarity while more women’s rights organisations and individual women are using the internet and other ICTs there are growing incidences of technology-related violence against women (VAW), and general threats to safety and security
What are the common threats? cyber stalking sexual harassment privacy violations manipulation of personal information including images and videos... affects how we work, play, love
Stories She’s begging to be raped: twitterverse-feminists-pakistan Digital Security: Drop-in centre of Ugandan sex worker organisation raided: ugandan-sex-worker-or Danger and opportunity: ICTs and women human rights defenders Take Back the Tech! But know the risks first (interview with African activists on secure online communications)
Know your rights Take control Know your tools Know your risk Recognise that context matters – threats and violators How can we respond?
Basic security HTTPS everywhere – online searches TOR – pops your request through different servers – use encryption Mobile phones – password protection Password tips – most critical Facebook – don’t tag or upload pictures without permission; use privacy settings
Useful resources Take Back The Tech Tactical Tech’s Me and My Shadow Ono - Connect Your Rights - rights.apc.org