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Presentation transcript:

Summer 2013

 Hebrews 10:5-10 – The Perfect Sacrifice  Psalm 40:6-8  Psalm 50:9, 13; Psalm 51:16; Isa. 1:11; Jer. 7:21-22; Amos 5:21-23; Micah 6:6-7  Burnt and sin offerings could not atone, so the Son will accomplish God’s perfect will by using the “body” provided for Him  Christ became a man to take care of the ineffective sacrificial system and replace it with a new one  He has, once for all, annihilated the Levitical system of sacrifice

 Hebrews 10:11-18 – Seated at God’s Right Hand  The Jewish priest stood daily, repeatedly offering the same sacrifices—which could NEVER take away sin  When Christ offered, for all time, a single sacrifice for sins, He sat down at the right hand of God  He was humbled on earth, He is exalted in heaven  Where there is forgiveness of sin, there is no longer any offering for sin!

 Jesus Christ: The REAL thing!  Incarnation was real  2:11-17  Suffering was real  2:10; 5:8; 12:2; 13:12  Offering was made in the real place  9:11  Forgiveness is real  9:12

 5:11-6:20 Exhortation: on to mature teaching  7:1-28 Christ, like Melchizedek  8:1-10:18 Christ, source of eternal salvation  10:19-39 Exhortation: a call to draw near

 Confidence to draw near (10:19-25)  The veil has been removed  “Let us”  Draw near in faith (10:22)  Our hope (10:23)  Stir up to love (10:24)  The Day  Day of final judgment

 Warning against apostasy (10:26-31)  Numbers 15:30-36  Willfully=deliberately  There is no other sacrifice other than Christ  Leads to judgment  The apostate  Has spurned the Son of God  Has profaned the blood of the covenant which sanctifies him  Outraged the Spirit of grace

 Exhortation to endurance (10:32-39)  Recall the former days of suffering/persecution  They had done properly  Now, don’t throw away your confidence—don’t give up!  Endure, so you won’t lose what is promised  Isaiah 26:20; Habakkuk 2:3-4  The righteous live by faith  We are not cowards  Two alternatives:  Hold on in faith  Withdraw to apostasy and perish

Summer 2013