PRAY FOR NAMIBIA We gratefully acknowledge help from Joachim Rieck
Namibia has enjoyed a stable democracy since 1990 when the country became independent from South Africa. Covering an area of sq. km with an average population density of 2 persons per square kilometre, it is one of the least densely populated countries in the world. The latest population census (2013) has revealed that there are roughly 2.2 million people in the country.
RudiBosbouer Namibia has spectacular scenery. The second largest canyon in the world (after the Grand Canyon in the USA) is the Fish River Canyon in Southern Namibia. He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, And from the River to the ends of the earth. Psalm 72:8
Namibia consists of mostly desert to semi-desert, making farming and agriculture a challenge. The country has a lot of mineral wealth and rich fishing grounds. Large gas reserves (and suspected oil reserves ) are found off shore. If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. John 7:37-38
WINDHOEK IS THE CAPITAL OF NAMIBIA Namibia enjoys a fairly well developed infrastructure, with good road networks and well developed telecommunication.
Namibia has large game parks and enjoys an abundance of wild life, as well as spectacular scenery. It is a great tourist destination.
CHRISTIANITY IN NAMIBIA The first missionaries arrived in the early 1800s and were sent by the London Missionary Society. They were soon joined by the Rhenish Missionary Society (Reformed/Lutheran), the Wesleyan Missionary Society (Methodist) and the Finnish Missionary Society (Lutheran). The early gospel labours have established a strong Christian presence in Namibia. Upward of 90 % of all people would call themselves Christians.
The early influences of the gospel have now been lost as many mainline denominations have lost their Christ centred missionary focus. A man will be as a hiding place from the wind, And a cover from the tempest, As rivers of water in a dry place, As the shadow of a great rock in a weary land. Isaiah 32:2
This charismatic chaos is leading people to become disillusioned with Christianity, causing many to move back to their ancestral roots or abandoning the faith altogether. Mainline churches are steadily losing their ground, as many unruly charismatic excesses establish themselves in the country.
Local churches with a strong commitment to an evangelical ministry, and with an expository emphasis, along with a strong, biblical ecclesiology are in the minority, but they are thankfully growing.
The government has made it difficult for foreign missionaries to work in Namibia. False prophets, religious con-men and poor missionary work have unfortunately closed the doors (or made it very difficult) for those who have a genuine desire to work here. This has challenged Namibian Christians to become more aware of the need for missionary work in our own country. SIM (Serving in Mission) has recently done a comprehensive book distribution of good evangelical material to about 1400 Christian pastors and workers. Tintenpalast, the centre of Namibia's government.
PRAY FOR NAMIBIA! Pray that those who are just nominal Christians will be challenged by the call of Christ. Pray that there may be growing numbers of Namibian Christians with a concern to reach out with the gospel. Pray for the recent SIM distribution of good evangelical literature that it will be used to strengthen many believers in Namibia. Pray for the continued growth of biblical Reformed churches in Namibia.