Conference for the Official Launching of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean Region 26-27 November 2005, Athens.


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Presentation transcript:

Conference for the Official Launching of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean Region November 2005, Athens

The Foundation ’ s Programme on Education for Sustainable Development

Euro-Med Schools Programme

Main Priorities  A Euro-Med School Magazines Project: Produce through school twinning teams involving at least two schools from EU Member States and two schools from Mediterranean partner countries, magazines, yearbooks, articles … etc. Produce through school twinning teams involving at least two schools from EU Member States and two schools from Mediterranean partner countries, magazines, yearbooks, articles … etc. One of the thematic areas: Sustainable Development. One of the thematic areas: Sustainable Development. Suggested partners for implementation: media partners, the Mediterranean Programme of the International Federation of Journalists, Medies and other concerned institutions. Suggested partners for implementation: media partners, the Mediterranean Programme of the International Federation of Journalists, Medies and other concerned institutions.

Capacity-building for teachers in support of Euro-Mediterranean cooperative youth arrangements. Capacity-building for teachers in support of Euro-Mediterranean cooperative youth arrangements. Training seminars on selected themes such as: sustainable development. Training seminars on selected themes such as: sustainable development. Suggested co-organizers: Council of Europe and ALECSO, Medies. Suggested co-organizers: Council of Europe and ALECSO, Medies.

Multi Lingual Education Server Sustainable Development: Sustainable Development: Basic materials for understanding ecosystems, man-nature and bio and cultural diversity relations; links to new resources developed for World Decade on Education for Sustainable Development (suggested main partners: Medies, WWF and other relevant institutions).

Multi Lingual Education Server Sustainable Development: Sustainable Development: Basic materials for understanding ecosystems, man-nature and bio and cultural diversity relations; links to new resources developed for World Decade on Education for Sustainable Development (suggested main partners: Medies, WWF and other relevant institutions).

Euro Med Heritage for Young People Landscape, natural and urban heritage: pilot project on the cultural of water and its social, environmental and artistic

Setting up an On-Line Euro-Med Schools Platform Setting up an On-Line Euro-Med Schools Platform Purpose: promote the ideals of ALF and center foremost on actively attaining the goals and the targets adopted and enshrined in the mission statement. Purpose: promote the ideals of ALF and center foremost on actively attaining the goals and the targets adopted and enshrined in the mission statement.

On-Line Euro-Med Schools Platform On-Line Euro-Med Schools Platform SpecificObjectives Invite schools from Euro-Med countries to initiate dialogue on principles and issues. Since quality education is critical to building cultures of peace.

Encourage creativity and help students from Euro-Med countries to know about each other to create meaningful school links; Encourage creativity and help students from Euro-Med countries to know about each other to create meaningful school links; Arouse curiosity for further work on tolerance. Arouse curiosity for further work on tolerance. Commemorate events with wide participation of schools from Euro-Med partners countries. Commemorate events with wide participation of schools from Euro-Med partners countries.

Suggested Issues to be addressed as a start: Heritage/Diversity Heritage/Diversity Sustainable development Sustainable development Human Rights Human Rights Others Others

Implementation Strategy Stage One: Experimentation phase Stage One: Experimentation phase Stage Two: Implementation and Monitoring (Fix priorities for the topics to be addressed) Stage Two: Implementation and Monitoring (Fix priorities for the topics to be addressed) Stage Three: Evaluation and Reporting Stage Three: Evaluation and Reporting

Expected Result  Creation of an interactive platform for an on Line Euro Med Schools Networking and Forum and promotion of intercultural dialogue.

Performance Indicators: Number of Euro-Med schools involved in the on-line platform. Number of Euro-Med schools involved in the on-line platform. Selected success stories covered by media. Selected success stories covered by media. Examples of best practices disseminated. Examples of best practices disseminated. Number of activities organized and carried out in support of intercultural dialogue among schools in Euro-Med countries partners. Number of activities organized and carried out in support of intercultural dialogue among schools in Euro-Med countries partners. Recognition to those who have made outstanding contribution ensured and enhanced. Recognition to those who have made outstanding contribution ensured and enhanced.

For the technical part: We need to establish with the assistance of the webmaster the following: We need to establish with the assistance of the webmaster the following: Forum Guidelines and Rules; Forum Guidelines and Rules; Registration (User name, Password and log in) and formatting the request of member (where to post, when to post and posting information). Registration (User name, Password and log in) and formatting the request of member (where to post, when to post and posting information). Member lists Member lists Calendar Calendar Announcements Announcements

Areas for discussion and conducted in English Language Areas for discussion and conducted in English Language Search Search Reporting Reporting Quality control feedback Quality control feedback Site feedback. Site feedback.

Thank you Eman Qara ’ een Head of the Education Unit