WHOOPING COUGH FACTS Whooping cough is highly preventable. There are aprroximately cases of pertussis every year(Mayoclinic). Pertussis can be deadly in children under 1(Mayoclinic). Whooping cough is highly contagious and usually passed by family to infants.
DT A P VACCINE The DTaP Vaccine is given to infants at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 15 months, and 5 years. The vaccine is given to prevent them from contacting whooping cough, diptheria(thickenng of the throat), and tetanus(tightening of muscles). The DTaP Vaccine can lower your childs chances of getting all of the previously mentioned conditions.
WHY VACCINATE? Pertussis, Diphtheria, and Tetanus can all lead to fatality. Diphtheria leads can lead to heart failure, paralysis, and death. Pertussis can cause severe coughing spells causing you to pass out which can cause brain damage, seizures, and death. Tetanus causes death in 2 out of 10 cases(CDC). The DTaP vaccine helps to prevents ALL 3 illnesses.