SLC Parent Meeting Welcome HOSA Parents & Students!!! Please pick up your packets !!!
The Do’s and Don’ts Don’t −Be in opposite gender any time −Bring any drugs or alcohol of any kind −Go swimming at the pool Do −BE ON TIME! −Study/practice for your event −Be courteous of other hotel guests −Check in with your chaperones −Attend nightly meetings −Have a great time
What to do before you go… Check with your other teachers about work that will be missed −Don’t assume that it will be ok to turn it in when you return! Make a List of things you need to pack −We have a suggested list of items for you −Limit is ONE standard size suitcase (does not include your event kits) −Space is limited & priority given to event materials −Small coolers are allowed on the bus, but must fit under your seat or in the overhead compartment −Pack light!
Medication OTC Meds −Fill out form & give to an advisor −Fill out even if you have one of file with the clinic Prescription Meds −YOUR DOCTOR must fill out form and return to you or fax to the school (fax ). −School Health sends form to your MD’s (if they don’t have it) or MD’s office can get the form online. Have YOUR MD call School Health Phone April 1 −By April 1, bring form and just the amount of meds needed for the trip to the clinic −Call School Nurse with ext.2132
Spending Money Suggest $35-$50/day −This should be for both food & souvenirs −You should base this on how much your child eats & their spending habits. −Most parents send $150-$200 −Different forms of payment Debit Cards Gift cards Cash
HOSA Attire WHITE HOSA T-Shirt to be worn Thursday During General Sessions −Black or Navy Business Suit MUST be worn. −Occupational Attire can be worn for designated events Dress will be checked at door Girls make sure your skirts are knee length Boys need dress shoes Those not in attire will have… −Bus Clean up −Luggage duty
Cell Phone Policy Students bring their cell phones on the trip −Remind 101 messages may be sent occassionally −Do NOT bring cell phones into event rooms −Do NOT use during your competition −Keep track of your own cell phone while not on property −Cell phone signal is not great
Transportation Assignments Bus One −WFHS Juniors −WFHS Sophomores −WFHS Freshmen −Miss Manrique & Mr. Thomas Bus Two −WFHS Seniors −All other chaperones Mr. & Mrs. Giles Mrs. Cope Mrs. Johnson Bus Three −BT Washington −Pensacola HS −Tate HS −Their Advisors
Departure Day: April 3 rd −You will be required to check-in with Miss Manrique before school. Check-in will be in Sports Medicine Lab, Room 331 Luggage will be stored in this room. Event Guidelines, Kits, Binders, etc. −Students will be required to come to school that day (1 st & 3 rd Periods) No late check-ins! If you don’t check-in before school, you will not be attending. −Report Sports Med. Lab after 3 rd period. −We will load the buses at NOON.
En Route & Check-In Lunch will be provided on the bus (Chik-Fil-A) Bathroom breaks every hours. Dinner in Gainesville Hotel to Check-In (~10PM) WFHS Delegate Meeting −Time & Location TBA −We will have nightly meetings after each session −BE ON TIME!
Where are we staying? Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort −Conference Hotel; Competitions held here −Free Wi-Fi in Rooms (but signal is weak) −Difficult to get cell signal in rooms −Several restaurants on property −Small refrigerators −No microwaves
Competition First round tests will be Thursday night. −Check itinerary for time −Bring a pencil −Dress in appropriate attire Check your itinerary/SLC handbooks for event times −Handbooks will have a map of the hotel All competitions will be held at the hotel Students who fail to attend their events will be removed from HOSA & will no longer be allowed to participate in ANY over-night school trips.Students who fail to attend their events will be removed from HOSA & will no longer be allowed to participate in ANY over-night school trips.
What can I do in my down time? Thursday −Downtown Disney (in the morning/early afternoon) Friday −Mall at Millenia Lunch & Dinner Runs Saturday −Disney’s Magic Kingdom Any day −Grab a bite to eat −Study!
Sunday, April 7 th – back home Check Out by 900AM −Make sure you eat breakfast before we leave Back to Pensacola −Lunch on the Road −Tallahassee??? Pick WFHS −Approximately 3PM −We will call in Tallahassee & again in Niceville −PARENTS please be on time!!! Advisors must get back to their families too.
What is due next? Field Trip Forms Due today! Monday, April 1 st −Medical Release Forms −Should be notarized −Prescription Medicine Forms & Medication due to School Nurse
Do you have any questions? Contact Miss Manrique − (cell) Contact Mr. Thomas − (cell) Contact Mrs. Woodward −