Subaru Advisory Committee Report すばる小委員長 吉田道利 SAC Chair: Michitoshi Yoshida 2014/1/21Subaru UM 20131
SAC members (2012/7 – 2014/6) Chair Michitoshi YOSHIDA Co-Chair Wako AOKI Internal members Tomonori USUDA, Naruhisa TAKATO, Fumitaka NAKAMURA, Nagayoshi Ohashi External members Masayuki AKIYAMA, Fumihide IWAMURO, Masahiro TAKADA, Misato FUKAGAWA, Kentaro MOTOHARA, Koichi KATAZA, Kazuhiro SHIMASAKU, Motohide TAMURA Observers (TAC chair) Nobunari KASHIKAWA (2012/7-2013/6) Takuya YAMASHITA (2013/7 - ) Ex-officio (Subaru director) Nobuo ARIMOTO 2014/1/21Subaru UM 20132
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Subaru Strategic Program FMOS SSP: FastSound project interim review OK to continuation of the project HSC SSP refereeing – Proposal: “Wide-field imaging with Hyper Suprime-Cam: Cosmology and Galaxy Evolution” PI: Satoshi Miyazaki – Science review (3/28 by TAC) OK – Organization review (4/23 by SAC) OK – Final review (4/23 by SAC) Acctepted years (including weather factor) – Start from S14A Request from SEEDS project (HiCIAO SSP) – Additional 30 nights ← telescope troubles, weather condition, and new science themes – Accepted only 2 nights lost by telescope troubles. 2014/1/21Subaru UM 20137
Constraint on time allocation of SSP Total nights : up to 300 nights per 1 SSP Duration: up to 5 years per 1 SSP SSP nights per year: up to 60 nights in total – Up to 25% of the machine time per semester 2014/1/21Subaru UM 20138
Discussed items on open use, operation, etc. (except for SSP) HSC open use timeline HSC filter acceptance policy – Defined the procedure of acceptance of narrow-band filters Status of Progress of PFS project Instrument decommission – Possibility of decommission of FMOS in 2015 for smooth installation of PFS Time-exchange with Gemini Queue-mode observation Open use observer acceptance policy 2014/1/21Subaru UM 20139
Expected nights to be allocated to SSP SEEDS FastSound HSC (expected) PFS (expected) /1/21Subaru UM 2013
Total nights of all SSPs Open use nights SSP nights Euclid? /1/21Subaru UM 2013
Fraction of SSP nights in open-use nights (except for UH nights) PFS start /1/21Subaru UM 2013
International relations Euclid-HSC collaboration proposed by Euclid team – Should consider this item with relationship with other big projects: WFIRST, LSST “Collaboration of Subaru and big galaxy survey projects in 2020s” workshop (Jan ) GLAO Science Workshop – In Hokkaido, June Cooperation with east Asian countries East Asian Observatory concept and Pan Pacific Observatory concept Subaru data analysis school in Korea 2014/1/21Subaru UM
Discussion items in this year How to collaborate with the next generation big projects including Euclid, WFIRST and LSST using Subaru Extension of time-exchange program International cooperation on Subaru operation (EAO, MKO, and PPO) 2014/1/21Subaru UM