Adult Medical- Surgical Nursing Gastro-intestinal System: Overview
Gastro-intestinal System: Overview The GI system extends from the mouth to the rectum/ anus Mouth: chewing and moistening, using teeth, tongue, saliva, swallowing, epiglottis Salivary glands: parotid, sub-lingual, sub- mandibular: Secrete ptyalin (salivary amylase), mucus and water
Gastro-intestinal System: Overview Swallowing is a voluntary action regulated by the swallowing centre in the medulla oblongata (epiglottis covers the trachea) Oesophagus: reflex peristaltic movement of bolus of food to the stomach Stomach: cardiac sphincter, fundus, body, pyloric sphincter
Gastro-intestinal System: Overview Digestion: Gastric glands: Parietal cells: secrete HCL (gastric pH 1-2) Goblet cells: secrete mucus (protection) Chief cells: secrete proteolytic enzyme, pepsin, and intrinsic factor Gastric churning to form chyme, passed to duodenum via pyloric sphincter
Gastro-intestinal System: Overview Duodenal wall glands secrete bicarbonate to neutralise acidity of the chyme Pancreatic enzymes (alpha cells): Trypsin (protein) Amylase (CHO) Lipase (fats) Liver hepatocytes secrete bile: emulsifies fats
Gastro-intestinal System: Overview Intestinal wall glands secrete mucus for protection from acidity and enzymes Hormones controlling enzyme secretion: Gastrin: by gastric antrum in presence of food → HCL secretion Cholecystokinin: by gall bladder in response to fat in duodenum→ contraction of gall bladder to release bile Secretin: by intestinal wall cells → secretion of bicarbonate
Gastro-intestinal System: Overview Absorption: Intestinal villi and micro-villi increase surface area for absorption of digested foods and minerals/ vitamins intact by: Diffusion, osmosis and active transport Absorption into portal vein → liver for metabolism (see lecture: “Functions of the Liver”)
Gastro-intestinal System: Overview Excretion: Four hours after eating food reaches the ileo-caecal valve → large intestine. Water absorbed during passage to rectum/ anus