Where great ideas meet results… nd Quarter HR Florida Membership Update Debbie Auger, PHR, SHRM-CP, HR Florida Membership Director Dorothy Knapp, MS, SHRM-SCP, SHRM Field Services Director
Agenda Welcome – Thank you for your time! Rollcall – Who’s sharing? April Membership Report Young Professional Toolkit SHRM Certification – How can it help? Share – social media? How can it help? Share – Your Ideas….
Mark your calendars… 2 nd Quarter June 16, 2015 3 rd Quarter September 29, 2015 4 th Quarter November 10, 2015
Roll Call…. Who’s here to C A S E today???? … Jacksonville SHRM… Greater Miami SHRM… Greater Orlando SHRM… Space Coast HR Assn… HR Tampa… HRM Assn. of Palm Beach Cty… Greater Pensacola SHRM… HR Assn. of Broward Cty… Sarasota-Manatee HRA… Mid- Florida SHRM… North Central Florida SHRM… HRMA of SW Florida… Suncoast HR Mgmt. Assn… South Brevard SHRM… Treasure Coast HRA… Big Bend SHRM… Ocala HR Mgmt. Assn… Bay County SHRM… St. Lucie County HR Assn… SHRM Emerald Coast… HR Collier… HRMA of Martin County… Lake- Sumter SHRM… Charlotte County SHRM… SHRM-Volusia/Flagler… Florida Keys SHRM… Nature Coast HR Society… SMA South Florida “Copy And Steal Everything”
SHRM Membership Report (April‘15)
Requirements for 2015 Star: 0% - 2.9% Growth Superstar: 3+% Growth Growth over 12/31/14 SHRM membership Does not include: student SHRM members, multi-members, expired SHRM members SHRM members who are members of your chapter, but are not appropriately coded to the chapter Chapters that fall below 25 members and/or below 51% of its membership as SHRM members will be at risk of losing their SHRM affiliation. By December 31, 2016
Young Professionals (YPs) 34% - Of the American workforce in 2014 composed of Millennials “Digital Natives” – leading the way of the digital era – facebook, twitter, Most educated - generation of young adults in American history 15,000 SHRM members < 30 yrs old 19,000 SHRM student members
Attract, Engage & Retain Membership growth – attract, engage and retain YP’s for future of chapters/SHRM – succession planning New Ideas – new perspective on important HR issues YP Special Interest Groups – online discussions to keep YPs engaged Mentor Programs – create mentor programs with a seasoned member Feedback – solicit feedback from YPs Social Networking Sites – build – they will come rship_Recruitment_and_Retention_Toolkit.pdf rship_Recruitment_and_Retention_Toolkit.pdf
Engagement of YPs Healthy Mix – of Professional/educational and relaxed social events (mixers, happy hour, bowling, morning meetings, community service projects…) YP Idea Swap – opportunities for YPs to gather and discuss successes and challenges they have Recognition – at events or meetings – time to socialize YP Director – consider position – or marketing position Programs – YPs have great new perspectives for programs
Marketing Tips Use as few words and many strong images Think in text-messaging format Communicate Frequently Survey your current YPs Interview YPs – what do they want professionally and personally? YPs value lifestyle and relationships at work Include them in strategic plans USE TECHNOLOGY!!!! Use videos Add value to their membership – ask their opinions often Information that helps them advance Information not found in a book or the internet
Resources VLRC – Volunteer Leader Resource Center Membership Core Leadership Area SHRM Membership Recruitment & Retention Toolkit – YOUR MEMBERSHIP HANDBOOK! SHRM’s Social Media Starter Toolkit – diastartertoolkit.aspx
The New SHRM Credenti Hoals We’ve created the SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP to: o Encourage HR professionals to acquire the knowledge and behaviors required for effective performance and career success; o Establish a certification that is highly relevant to employers, and meets the needs of business; o Create a new universal standard for HR – it’s about practicing HR with the competencies needed to be a successful business leader, seeing your organization’s goals and strategies through an HR lens. We believe these new credentials will become the globally-recognized standard of excellence in HR. 12 Grow Membership with the SHRM Certification Over 44,000 are now SHRM- Certified!!
SHRM HR Competency Model The SHRM HR Competency Model is the way students are learning today and organizations are functioning The learning opportunities are tremendous – great membership attraction 13 Based on Competencies
Preferred Provider Program Benefits Award PDCs for individual HR programs, without pre-approval from SHRM Publicize itself as a SHRM Preferred Provider Use the SHRM Preferred Provider seal on materials Include program offerings in a searchable database Be listed in a directory of SHRM Preferred Providers SHRM members are out there waiting to be “invited” to join – contact them! for more information
SHRM Overview Post the Preferred Provider Seal and statement on your chapter website [Chapter/State Council Name] is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP. 15
Your turn to share…. Checkout the Growth! Tampa – 3.95% Growth! Palm Beach Cty – 3.40% Growth! Broward Cty – 7.74% Growth! Please tell….
Debbie Auger, SHRM-CP, PHR x2020 (w) (c) 2015 HR Florida Director of Membership
18 Dorothy Knapp, SHRM-SCP Field Services Director – Southeast Region AL, FL, GA, MS, NC, SC, PR, Bermuda & Bahamas Crystal Adair Member Engagement Associate Southeast Region AL, DC, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV, Puerto Rico, Bermuda & Bahamas
19 Thank you and see you in August!