Top 10 Benefits of Reporting Incidents 1. Informs constituents and empowers them to make decisions regarding loss of their personal information 2. Initiate corrective actions (lowers repeat rate) 3. If the big one hits, reporters will uncover if not reported in a timely manner 4. Gets you into the strategic planning loop 5. Your Information Security Program gets on the executive radar 6. Privacy and security will likely become a part of your organization’s governance structure 7. You get to exercise and refine your incident response plan 8. You get to write your incident response plan 9. Your security awareness plan gets visibility 10. You’re suppose to report according to State Policy
Growing Pains Keeps you busy—too busy Keeps others busy—too busy Executive spotlight (heat lamp) May be interpreted as too many incidents and overkill reporting Stretches your strategic planning skills Exercises your communication and soft skills Forces incident definition and procedures Team formation—different teams for different incident types
Contact Information Paulette Johnson Department of Motor Vehicles Chief Information Security Officer/Privacy Officer