Leisure Education KNR 270
Leisure Ability Model One of the most widely used models in TR Peterson & Stumbo, 2000 One way to address intrinsic barriers of PWD Lack of knowledge of leisure Lack of knowledge about resources Social interaction problems
Leisure Education One component of the Leisure Ability Model Has 4 components Leisure Awareness Leisure Resources Leisure Activity Skills Social Interaction Skills
Leisure Awareness Knowledge of leisure Benefits, barriers, meaning of leisure Self awareness Actual & perceived skills, effect of disability on leisure Leisure & play attitudes Related participatory & decision-making skills Decision-making, leisure planning, problem solving
Leisure Resources Activity opportunities Personal resources Family & home resources Community resources State & national resources Knowledge & utilization
Leisure Activity Skills Traditional skills Nontraditional
Social Interaction Skills Communication skills Assertiveness, conversation skills, how to seek information, how to express feelings Relationship building Friendship development, cooperation & competition, develop social networks Self presentation Politeness, etiquette, hygiene, grooming