All About Me Emilie Anderson Period 5
My Family Mom- DebbieDad- RandySister- AmandaSister- AndreaBrother- ZacDog- Sophie
My Interests Spending time with family Going to church Playing sports Drawing Traveling
My Favorite Sports Teams Dallas Cowboys-Football Boston Celtics-Basketball Miami Heat-Basketball Indians-Baseball
My Goals Goals in One Year Goals After High School Goals in 5 YearsGoals in 10 Years Get better grades Go to College Almost done with college Finish college Do better at sports Get a jobLook for an apartment Start a Family
Uniquely Me I am very good at skating. I can do a lot of cool tricks. I can wiggle my ears I can hold my breath for a long time under water
Changes I would Make About Myself I would like to have more knowledge about certain things. I would change my area where I live. I would like to change all the things that I did to cause me to have so many injuries.
Places I would Like to Visit Alaska Hawaii France
People I would Like to Meet Josh Turner Benjamin Franklin Jesus
My Pet Sophie Birthday- February 14, 2011 Yorkie
My Friends Hallie Stocker Lexy Baker Kennedy Seckman Paxton Winston Kiersten Taylor Abbey Seckman
Places I Have Been West Palm Beach, Florida Port St. Lucie, Florida Fort Lauderdale, Florida Many other places in Florida Orlando Studios Georgia Virginia Beach Myrtle Beach