Federation To federate or not to federate?
Introduction More and more schools are realising the advantages of developing their school-to-school partnerships through formal models of collaboration All schools face challenging times in the future Working in isolation is no longer a sustainable option
What is a federation? It is not a takeover or an amalgamation Soft federation – Two schools, 1 headteacher, 2 governing bodies, separate budgets, a joint committee comprising governors from each school Hard federation- Two schools, 1 headteacher, 1 governing body, separate budgets This can change in either direction
Rutland Federations There are already 5 federations working successfully in Rutland: Empingham and Great Casterton English Martyrs and St Augustine in Stamford Oakham C of E and The Parks Catmose College and Catmose Primary Whissendine and St. Nicholas, Cottesmore
What is being proposed? A federation between Brooke Hill Academy and Edith Weston Primary School One Headteacher Two governing bodies Separate budgets A federation leadership team/governing committee Current admission arrangements that exist for each school will continue Proposed start date for the federation of 1 st September 2013
The benefits of forming a federation There are many excellent examples of schools raising their standards, increasing pupil numbers, and improving teaching and learning opportunities through partnership and federation.
Benefits for pupils Needs to be central to any decision made They will gain an understanding of the wider world Development of social and communication skills Opportunities to share learning – technology, art and drama, shared project experiences Different sporting opportunities including increased opportunities for competitive and team sports Increased resources Teacher expertise
Continued Professional Development opportunities and collaborative working Developing leaders Succession planning Job security in an increasingly difficult economic climate Working as part of a larger team Gaining an understanding of a world beyond each school Benefits for staff
Additional benefits Greater financial flexibility and value for money/buying power Retaining community identities Sustaining excellence – motivation and enthusiasm is maintained Sharing outstanding teaching and learning
Brooke Hill Academy Edith Weston Primary School Headteacher School Leader Senior Leadership Team Initial thoughts on Leadership organisation
Q. What has been done so far? The journey towards federation
Q. What happens next? The journey towards federation
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