Seifu A Tilahun School of Civil & Water Resources Engineering,BDU Storm Runoff and soil erosion processes on the Ethiopian highland
Introduction Field Experiments on the hydrology Field Experiments on Erosion PEER Science project at BDU Outline
river sediment concentrations have not declined runoff and erosion processes are not fully understood investigating where they takes place in the landscape used this information to model erosionIntroduction
Introduction 1 Automatic Rain Gauge 4 weirs installed & measured storm runoff ( events) 1 weir at the outlet (Adet Research Center) 19 piezometers to measure ground Water level 14 infiltration test Sediment concentration from 5 weirs ( events) Rill measurement from 10 agricultural fields 4 gully profile measurement
Infiltration Rate vs. Rainfall Intensity Debre Mawi Bayabil et al Ecohydrology
Saturated Areas A s = 10% Saturation Weir-1
{ Erosion
Sediment Concentration 8 Aug 2010
Sediment Concentration
Rill & Gully erosion – 120 ton ha -1 yr -1 in m 2 in m 2 in m 2 in 2011
Soil erosion with wetness
1. Saturated hydraulic conductivity generally greater than rainfall intensity for well vegetated watersheds 2. After a precipitation threshold is exceeded, discharge at outlet of watershed is linearly related to total precipitation 3. soil erosion was related to wetness through landscape position 4. Modelling should incorporate the above processes Conclusion
To propose more effective soil and water conservation practices by identifying those parts in the landscape that contributes most of the sediment and nutrients at the outlet. Project goal
Measure stream flow and sediment concentrations Measure shallow ground water level Employ sediment tracers to locate sediment source areas Focus group discussion and transect walk Soil nutrient analysis Modeling of runoff and sediment Activities
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