Success Stories of SWWS, PIA Representative, Gajapati during
During the year 2005 SWWS, a leading NGO of Gajapati District has been sanctioned the Orissa Tribal Empowerment and Livelihood Programme by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Govt. of Orissa through the ITDA, Gajapati. The basic aim of the project is to strengthen the existing resources and provide livelihood support to the community in an integrated approach. The organization was supported for implemented 10 Micro Watershed projects under this programme. The organization has formed 10 Village Development Associations in all the 10 watersheds. Each VDA has 2-4 villages consisting of a treatable area of around 500 Hectors. During the 1 st year (initial phase) of the program conducted a baseline survey in all the watersheds to identify the needs of the area. In most of the watersheds soil erosion is a major problem found in the area. So SWWS has given capacity building trainings on plantation and techniques of plantation to the community of all the 10 VDAs.
After giving trainings the people are sensitized and came forward to grow plants. Here is a small success story of a person who was sensitized to plant various plants for his benefits. Kaithapadar is a small village under Devagiri VDA in Sanotundi Panchyat of Rayagada Block. The village is about 2 Kms away from the Block Head quarter i.e. Rayagada. Mr.Rabindra Bhuyan a farmer of Kaithapadar village has participated in the training programme organized at Hirapur village of the same VDA on 19 th July, During the training programme the resource person Mr.Bijaya Kumar Maharana, Field Asst. of Narayanpur forest range office explained the participants about the need of planting and its techniques. Mr.Rabindra very querulously heard and asked his doubts regarding plantation and its benefits.
After the training the project conducted a survey on the plants required by each beneficiary to plant in their land. The villagers gave the requisition to the project. The Project also supported with various plants like Mango, Pineapple, Lemon, and Teak to the respective VDAs. The beneficiaries took the plants from the VDA as per their requirement. Rabindra had requested for 25 mango plants to plant in his half acre of land, which he got through the VDA. He utilized the knowledge he gained from the training and planted the mango seedlings very carefully. He also takes care of the plants by following the training guidelines. During an interview he said “These plants will give me additional income besides conserving the soil, so it has dual benefits”. After getting the support he showed much interest in the project and now he is anxiously waiting to participate in the forth coming trainings to be imparted under the project. Like Rabindra there are so many other persons, who are supporting the project to fulfill its goal and vision.
Rabindra with one of his mango plants
NURSERY MANAGEMENT ( Source of Income Generation) The OTELP project aims to give sustainable livelihood to the tribals of the operational villages. Under this the various employment generation programmes for the unemployed youths were planned. As a part of this process during the current year from all the 10 Watersheds supported by OTELP, 30 persons were selected to obtain training on Nursery Management. From each VDA three persons were selected to get the special training on Nursery Management. The selection criteria are mentioned below: Must be an unemployed tribal youth of the VDA He/ She has interest to work for the community He/ She should have willingness to work hard He/She should be able to maintain the Accounts
People of Devagiri VDA preparing the Nursery site at Kaithapadar Mr. Narasingha Nayak of Kaithapadar Village is chosen among the three persons to get the training on management of Nursery in the Devagiri VDA. He was one of the trainees of the Nursery Management training organized for their VDA on 20th February, 06 at Dambapur.
Prior to this the people of the VDA has resolved to raise a nursery in one hector of land. They also selected a land for the same. After getting the training Narasingha could able to get a broad idea on the process and systematic management of the Nursery. As per Narsingha “Now it is the best thing for our Devagiri VDA, that we can produce the best seedlings for our villages. Through raising various seedlings on Horticulture, Vegetable, Forest species we can enhance our livelihood. Besides, we can get the best quality seedlings at a minimized rate at door step”.
We did it for our selves People’s participation and their interest and involvement in decision making, planning and implementation in the process of development has been recognized as an effective approach to bring a rear change in the quality of life for the deprived section of the people. This was proved in the following case where the People of the area expanded the size of their work by adding their contribution. The detailed story is narrated below:
Mukunda and Ramakanta showing the Sabha Mandap work at Badatundi village under Ajayagada Dhara VDA Under the OTELP there is a provision for Rs. 50,000/- under the Entry Point Activity. The VDA members discuss in the meetings on various works to be implemented in the village including the Entry Point Activity (EPA). In most of the 10 VDAs there was a demand for construction of Sabha Mandaps, as there is no such space for their meetings. Ajayagada Dhara VDA is one of the VDAs supported under the OTELP. It constitutes of three villages namely Sanotundi, Tubursing and Badatundi. During a meeting the villagers resolved
that they will construct a Sabha Mandap in Badatundi village. As per the requisition the Civil Engineer (WDT Member of SWWS) gave the plan and estimation for the same and shared with them. After this they said that the place will be not sufficient to the strength of the members of the VDA. But as per the OTELP guidelines the provision is for only Rs.50,000/- only. After a long discussion All the three villagers came with a conclusion that they will expand the structure as per their wish and the additional cost will be met by them in terms of labour contribution. As per the guidelines the funds were placed to SWWS and the organization placed the funds to the VDA for implementation of the EPA. They started the activity in the month of December, 05 and completed the work within two months.
Mr. Mukund Raita (Secretary) and Mr. Ramakanta Naika (President) of the VDA said “the EPA work was done by the active involvement of three villagers, because we know that it is our work. In the general VDA meeting we have decided that the EPA work worth Rs. 50,000/- supported for the EPA work by OTELP will be not sufficient, so we have contributed the additional cost for our benefit only. We are happy that we did something for ourselves The Success of Vegetable Cultivation OTELP project is implemented in Rajpur village of Sanotundi GP in Rayagada Block. The village is coming under the Badapathar VDA supported by OTELP. Dandasi Khandual and his wife Purnabasi Khandual are living in Rajpur village of Raygada Block.
The Project is mainly focusing on promotion of vegetable cultivation and horticulture plants to increase the income level of the family, and to ensure balanced diet. Cost benefit, analysis has also been done to convince the farmers for production of vegetables as per the local needs. During the village level meetings conducted by SWWS, it was seen that the villagers are back logging from vegetable cultivation because of no technical knowledge. The organisation through the support of OTELP supported them technically.
After attending the orientation trainings on the concept of OTELP, the family showed interest to cultivate vegetables as 2nd crop during the Rabi season. For this he gave requisition in the VDA meeting. The VDA after collecting the requisitions from all such beneficiaries purchased the seeds from one place in order to decrease the expenses on marketing. Dandasi is a hard- working farmer in Rajpur village. Earlier he was not aware about brinjal cultivation. He has two acres of land in which he usually grows paddy in the kharif season. His wife is a member in the village SHG. She regularly participates in the training programmes conducted by the organisation.
Dandasi showing a bottle gourd grown in his land with the support from OTELP
During the Rabi Season he has taken up 14 types vegetables in two acres of land. He applied compost and FYM to grow more. His wife Purnabasi gave all support to him in the fields. As a result of their hard work they procured 310 kgs of brinjal from the land. He sold 180 Kgs of Rs.7/- per Kg and got Rs. 1260/-, similarly from Bottle gourd, Tomato and cauli flower he got another Rs. 1210/-. Now Dandasi is Saying “Without the encouragement of OTELP, I would never been able generate the additional income. I have cultivated brinjal, cauli flower, Tomato, Chillies, Pumbkin, Khosala, Bottle gourd etc. and got an additional income of Rs. 2570/- only from the bottle gourd, Brinjal, Cauli Flower and Tomato.” The family is now happy with that additional income; they are now expecting another Rs. 3000/- additional income during the next 2/3 months.
Thank You