Advocacy in practice: some thoughts from the TARDis Institutional Repository Project KULTUR Advocacy Workshop Hartley Library University of Southampton 20 Nov 2007 Jessie Hey EdSpace University of Southampton
Building the TARDis TARDis project: Exploring the new concept of Institutional Repositories in the JISC funded FAIR programme Simpson, Pauline and Hey, Jessie M.N. (2005) Institutional e-Print repositories for research visibility. In, Drake, Miriam (ed.) Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science 2nd ed. USA, Dekker. Feeding back into EPrints software good citation and information management practice experimenting with best balance of assisted deposit Creating an exemplar Institutional Repository TARDis: Targeting Academic Research for Deposit and Disclosure FAIR: Focus on Access to Institutional Resources
Our university scan was essential to tell us what was already happening It also helped with our preparation for presentations We sampled because it was otherwise too big a job with 20 schools Hey, Jessie M.N. (2004) An environmental assessment of research publication activity and related factors impacting the development of an Institutional e-Print Repository at the University of Southampton. Southampton, UK, University of Southampton, 19pp. (TARDis Project Report, D 3.1.2) Hey, Jessie M. N. (2004) Targeting Academic Research with Southampton's Institutional Repository. Ariadne, (40)
Sampling of Southampton faculty websites – assessing current practice (2003)
Feedback from scan/informal survey: Perceived benefits to University, Schools and Researchers Became our promotion selling points: Secure storage of publications including also theses and dissertations, technical reports Links to projects and web pages Research reporting Interdisciplinary research University profile School and discipline visibility Researcher profile Full text content freely accessible link to learning and teaching Increased citations Articles freely available online are more highly cited. For greater impact and faster scientific progress, authors and publishers should aim to make research easy to access Nature, Volume 411, Number 6837, p. 521, 2001 Steve Lawrence Online or Invisible?
Advocacy by example: adding a link to your web page – auto update One good record for many uses
Share the glory (interdisciplinary papers) and sell your book – why not in Humanities too?
If youre new Get to know people or people who know people, read the university bulletin and web site news Go to seminars, lectures – inaugurals are good Join a club Learn to explain in 2 sentences Create the one page handout and use those from JISC too Be perpetually enthusiastic – theres a product to sell
Early days – finding out, finding people In the beginning – change of university structure – found people who needed help because they didnt have a system any more Needed to tread sensitively with people who had a related system in place How does a department work eg research office, web manager, admin managers, research head of school They all need to know and be refreshed e.g in School of Education the research office was close to researchers and gave info at meetings, support, handouts, encouragement
Targeting groups for presentations and exemplars tailoring talks – found in our pilot Oceanography had to tailor for each group librarian knew people and what they did – any editors of journals, learned to steer away from OA to journals – controversy staff development seminars useful never knew which seeds would sprout! helped people do it well to show others eg head of school, professor or their helper (usually so busy even if very supportive) worked with someone in dept (but may be librarian, admin, web developer or academic) advocated where possible by example - this is where the pilot repository is invaluable
Keeping up the good work.... Weve done this dept! – keep on top of changes of people – update the dept on progress (do it on repository too) About the repository - change this to your blurb and remember to update it and link to another page about the techie bit Remember people outside will help sell to people inside too
We used examples to show we were not alone: Institutional and related repositories million items in 813 repositories Nov 2007
What we used to use – when repositories were fewer!
e-Prints Soton: the TARDis institutional repository route map – shows evolution of advocacy to collaboration with schools
Ideas we made less of then But would be useful now.... Latest additions Statistics for item views/downloads Open Access News A simple, clear How to deposit guide A final name and good place for the repository with supporting literature
Demonstrating latest publications in a department
Promotion via a screen to visitors and staff too
This months innovation: adding the full text image to the screen
And more animated advertising...
Any questions? A nostalgia trip for us but also useful for thinking out our own plans for our new EdShare repository See some of our TARDis presentations and papers in Jessie Hey