Earth Hazards Revision – Level 5 1. Map showing where volcanoes and earthquakes happen Mid-Ocean Ridges Pacific Ring of Fire Mediterranean Mediterranean to Indonesia Andes Mts Earthquake lines Volcanoes
5C Describe and explain the effects of a volcano on nearby villages. Dust clouds from the volcano block the sunlight So the village gets as dark as nighttime. Ash falls all round the volcano So houses collapse and roads are blocked to vehicles. Lava flows down to the village so homes are buried or burned.. Case study – Italy’s Mt. Etna
5C What is deforestation. Deforestation means “cutting down trees”. The word comes from:- De (doing away with) - forest (area of many trees) - ation ( the process)
5B Describe and explain why deforestation causes soil erosion. Soil erosion means that soil has had most of its cover of trees removed. Then the soil is easily blown away by wind or washed away by streams. This soil has been washed away leaving a gully
5A Describe and explain why deforestation causes soil erosion. A cover of trees usually protects the soil. If trees are cut down soil is exposed to rain and wind. Rainwater then washes away topsoil into rivers, leaving little valleys (called gullies) in the soil Then the extra mud in rivers clogs them up and causes floods. Because the sandy subsoil is now exposed, strong winds can blow it away to create sand dunes.) Sand dunes can cover valuable farmland. The soil left behind is useless Because it is soil which is moved the processes are called soil erosion.
5A Why Soil Erosion is a Hazard. Because the soil is loose, heavy rain can cause mudflows which cover homes and can kill people. Even when rainwater washes away topsoil gently into rivers, the extra mud forms mudbanks. Because of this navigation becomes difficult for ships. Because of the mudbanks, rivers flood more deeply, destroying more farmland.. Because sand dunes creep forward in the wind, valuable farmland may be covered and destroyed.